Monday, July 29, 2013

How To Live Glamorously When You Feel Anything But

If for some reason the video below doesn't work, you can also watch it HERE.


Dumbwit Tellher said...

Wonderful video Lisa; I loved it. I am one that needs to be reminded to live life glamorously. Living in a demo site it's hard but you've reminded me there are many ways to achieve a bit of glamour in our daily lives. I hope your summer has been a great one?

Jennifer said...

Very fun. It's the simplist things in life...and they're glamorous too. Who knew.

Cait O'Connor said...

Love love love it.

Mademoiselle Michael Blog said...

Perfect reminders, and a great way to start the week! These are so readily available to us, and we take them for granted. I must keep this in my "favorites!" Thank you!

Lisa Borgnes Giramonti said...

Dumwit Teller, gorgeousevents, Jennifer at a Well-Styled Life, Cait O'Connor, Mademoiselle Michael,

Thank you so much! xxx

materfamilias said...

Thank you! This glimpse of a Glamsbury Life is inspiring -- I'm going to double up this afternoon, I think: a little Limoncello, a little nap, a long floaty skirt in place of the loose tunic, def. some olives, and maybe even some stripes. . . . Thanks for spreading the glamour!

debbie bailey said...

That's really cute! I posted it on my Pinterest board. Good job!

pve design said...

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Can you plz add "refill" to this. My oh so glamourous life with boys in the house is the empty TP roll. The empty milk carton - I am forever on "re-fill" duty which messes with my glamor.

Emily said...

Oh how you speak to my heart!!

Anonymous said...

I am on the continuing hunt for glamour in my life. Thank you for showing the way!

Unknown said...

This is the most delightful little video. Made me smile. I love that you featured Juan les Pins. Spent time there on my first trip to France! Had the most amazing, fresh fish at a restaurant there as well.


JudyMac said...

Great video~~Great ideas for putting a bit of glamour in one's life! Haven't ever been able, however, to acquire a taste for olives, so I may be a big flop at table when I get to Italy. There will be other things to make up for it, I'm sure. :-)

CashmereLibrarian said...

Most excellent advice.

katy gilmore said...

What a beaut! Thank you so much for the moments of glam good cheer! Perfecto!

24 Corners said...

Fantastic's always the 'little things' isn't it?!
Lovely video...
Happy almost August...there's a touch of Autumn in the air here in Seattle, just a touch, still perfect promenading weather!
xo J~

Unknown said...

I adore this video, and your entire blog. I shared it on my blog:

Lisa Borgnes Giramonti said...

"Glamsbury Life" is very clever. And very funny! xx

debbie bailey:
Wow, I feel honored. thank you!

TP roll or not, you are STILL the most glamorous woman I know. xx

We are very alike, you and I! xx

iblame jupiter, cashmere librarian, katy gilmore:
Thank you so much! xx

Anne Hucker:
What a fantastic trip that must have been!

Yes, there are!! :) xx

24 Corners:
Your comment makes me smile! xxx

Thank you, Ann!

Unknown said...

Love this and you are just adorable. And glamorous. Thank you thank you thank you.

Unknown said...

this is the cutest ever :) Simple and lovely. I'm reaching for that aperitif tonight!

Anonymous said...

Its all in the little things! They certainly add up to a mountain of style! And you sure have "it"! :)

Sandra Sallin said...

Delightful! I'll try and do it all. If not I'll just watch this again.


Vava (aka Virginia) said...

J'adore. Just what I need!

kim at northerncalstyle. said...

Lisa, This is fabulous and one of the reasons I come here. So inspiring! You've done a darling job on this!

Hope your Summer is wonderful!


Susan S said...

Adorable! I think these little montage videos might be a new job for you. You always have your finger on the pulse—always.

MariEdy said...

Delicious video!! Must see every monday ... Please, the name of thye background song, pretty please!!!!

Jan-Leanne said...

Yes - the name of the video's song and the singer - please!

Jan-Leanne said...

Please - the names of the background song and singer for your "Glamorous" video.

Thanks - Jan-Leanne

Lisa Borgnes Giramonti said...

The name of the song is "Douce France" and it's sung by Charles Trenet -- hope you check back and see this!

quintessence said...

So charming!

KatrinaG said...

Great Post, Great Blog!!

Katrina G.


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