The weather outside was delightful, if your taste runs to wet and wild.
...and a hearth crackling with sweet-smelling logs of olive, almond and eucalyptus.

and a snug, warm corner yearned impatiently for someone to sink upon it...
...with a gripping read, a stack of paper-thin pancakes...
...and a steaming libation.
(Should tastes run a bit stronger, there were a myriad of concoctions waiting to be mixed, heated, jostled and stirred, depending on one's preferences.)
Of the two young creatures in the house, one was stirring...
...and the other -- who had earned some iPad time -- sat cross-legged in a joyous trance.
The rooms, though not overly large or grand, were full of calm and comfort.
And the lights, they twinkled.
I send all of you warm wishes for the merriest and most peaceful of holiday seasons and hopes for a prosperous 2011.
* * * * *
It is with a pang of regret that I must tell you I have decided to take a two-month sabbatical from this blog in order to explore some opportunities which have arisen; as much as I love to write "A Bloomsbury Life", there just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything. I shall miss your funny, wise comments and our wonderful dialogues about all and sundry. You have transformed my view of the world: it now feels to me like a great big rollicking dinner party welded together by friendship.
I hope to return to you in March refreshed, revitalized and ready to go full steam ahead.
Merry Christmas! I look forward to your return.
Wishing you a refreshing two months. We all need a sabbatical sometimes!
And you are reading the perfect book for the holidays! Oh, how much I loved that one.
Have a wonderful, happy Christmas.
Yes, grab that opportunity while it's fresh! We'll still be here when you get back.
Merry Christmas and many thanks for sharing all of your lovely Adventures in Bloomsbury... May your new year bring more color & joy & travels & treasures!
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell is a favorite of mine, even the footnotes are a treat.
Best of luck exploring (what a grand way to start off 2011!). All the best to you and your family.
Merry Christmas. Have a wonderful time off, and good luck with your ventures.
What a wonderfully cozy Christmas you're having! I shall live vicariously through you as I'm in the process of moving, and cheerful and cozy it is not! Merry Christmas to you!
Absence makes the heart grow fonder dear Lisa...and it also brings new energy & life (think spring!). Wishing you all the best on your new adventure...just think of what will be stored up inside that brilliant mind of yours come March...I can't wait!
Much love and success...
xo J~
We are ALWAYS on the same wavelength (see my last post-secretly dedicated to you) and for that I will miss you! See you in March, or if you come to NY before Feb 8 when I leave for my next mission...xoxox
Merry Christmas, and I too look forward to your return! Your posts are always inspiring! :) xxoo
I will miss you dreadfully but can't wait to hear what comes of it. Best of luck.
Oh my, please return to us. What on earth what we do without your enchanting inspiration. Until we meet again in Blogland, warm holiday wishes and best of luck with all your surely creative and gripping ventures.
Do come back to tell us all about it.
Cheers and best, Alcira
Lisa, I so enjoy your blog, often reading it is the nicest part of my day. I will miss your blog and look forward to your return in March. In the meantime, I wish you health, love, joy and many wonderful adventures. May your new opportunity be all you wish it to be.
Such dreamy photographs. Lovely.
Looking forward to YOU blooming in the spring time. Merry Christmas!
I will wait with baited breath for your return. Enjoy every moment of your sabbatical...I will be awaiting your return my friend.
I have high hopes for 2011 and I hope they are enriching for you, too.
You will be missed as I so look forward to every post but wish you great success in this new endeavor. I cannot wait to hear all about it.
I miss you already, good luck on your sabbatical, and very merry christmas
merry xmas, lisa and family. enjoy your blog sabbatical- we will look forward to your return, and until then, we will just have to hope to fortuitously bump into you somewhere here in LA, so we can hear all about your new adventures.
It's a bittersweet day. Like the feeling I had when reading the last page of "Anna Karenina" or watching the last "Masterpiece Classic" of the season. I always look forward to reading your blog and you have no idea how many times you have actually come up in my day to day conversations. When it comes to books and food and decor, we seem to have a lot in common. I'm still a fairly new follower, so in the mean time, I'll tune in for "reruns" and pore over older posts. Good luck with your new endeavor and I'll be anxiously awaiting the return of a new season.
Just checking in to thank you for all the inspiration and wish you HAPPY & REFRESHING NEW YEAR
ღ.•*♥•♫ Lisbeth in Sweden,
Lisa, like my fellow bloggers I will miss you very much. You have given us your heart. God speed and may all who meet you be blessed by your beauty and grace...
and till we meet again may the sun shine softly on your path.
Wishing you a wonderful New Year and will look forward to your return.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Lisa, to you and your family! It is exactly this kind of post that will make me miss you. However, take all the time you need, reach out to us when you need to, and all the best for your new ventures. We'll be waiting to hear about them when you return. And, have a restful Boxing Day! Susan
Thanks for so much enjoyment that you have given me through your blog this year. I can not imagine how time consuming it has been for you to post it all and I wish you luck and peace with your sabbatical. Best to you and your for 2001 and thanks again !! Tricia
I will miss your wonderful blog like mad. Looking forward to the spring for even more reasons now. Good luck in whatever you are doing and please return to us soon.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Such a lovely way to end this chapter. I shall look forward to your return!
I will REALLY miss you Lisa, but I wish you a very Happy New Year, and I too look forward to your return. Can't wait to hear what you have been up too!
One usually returns refreshed and renewed, Lisa. I hope your time off is good. I'll look forward to your return!
What amazing photographs! Such warmth and peace.
Ciao....for now :)
Happy New Year. Can't wait to hear about your new adventure. Will miss your posts!
Well, I for one am finding it difficult to be as generous as the others. Can't quite imaginie two months without ABL. Ok, ok Vava...get a grip. Lisa-I do wish you THE very best to include (even more) brilliant "aha" moments that you might share with us...down the road. A toast to 2011!
Everyone else is being so nice and all I want to say/sigh is NOOOOO. Can you tell us about the opportunities. Might we want to follow you somewhere, buy your writing elsewhere, support you in some other environment? dana
Will miss your wonderful wit and wisdom but wishing you a restorative and productive time off. Look forward to hearing about your new ventures and your return. Best wishes for a great new year!
So exciting for a sabbatical!
Will miss you- but the excitement of your return will keep up going- for sure!
Happy 2011 for all great things!
Love from San Francisco to you.
I hope you are leaving to plot/plan a book or something similar. I will buy it! Chicago in January and February is bleak enough without my very favorite blogger missing. We have been spoiled too long, but will stalk you on the internet wherever your new opportunities take you. I'll console myself by revisiting old posts until you come back. Please come back!!
Good luck with your opportunity. You will be greatly missed.
Happy Christmas and see you in March.
We will all be waiting.
Boo-hoo! I have so enjoyed your blog and hope whatever it is you are pursuing ends up being even more fabulous than imagined! Meanwhile, as Michelle commented, we have your previous posts to pore over -- and keep us warm.
All the best to you and your family in the New Year and I look forward to your return!
You will surely be missed but I will look forward to EARLY spring and your writings. I send wishes for a healthy and happy 2011.
I am a loyal reader of your blog and will miss you very much. Come back soon to your devoted readers but I hope you have a splendid time with whatever you are doing! :) Shari
Lisa -
Truly I have not been reading your blog for months (barely able to post to my own lately) until today...just in time to send loving wishes as you venture into things that I pray will be wonderfully enriching and grand!!
always will be a bloomsbury fan
will miss you but certainly understand "not enough hours in the day" looking forward to hearing about the new opportunities...
It's like having a dear friend move away (albeit temporarily - fingers crossed) and you'll miss her wonderful spirit. Best wishes and hope to hear
from you soon.
So cozy. Glad you had a lovely holiday. Until March...
I second the recommendation for the book Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. I look forward to your return. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Best of luck in 2011!
Happy New Year! Thank you for sharing your wonderful images & words. Look forward to your return.
Hope you had a lovely holiday! Can't wait to read more when you return.
Amazing pics! Looks really cozy there! Hope you had a nice christmas and new years eve!
From Munich With Love
Angie ->
Please stop by and say hello if you want!
Will miss...see you in March.
All the best for 2011 and for your two-month sabbatical.
I look forward to the sign from cyberspace announcing your return.
Enjoy your rest, you'll be missed.
All the best wishes for a dream fulfilled 2011, Lisa!
Your home is lovely, and oh, so cosy.
Ok - fine take a break - But not from me girlfriend- I need a Lisa B playdate! XXOO Suze
Talk about late to respond! I certainly hope your holiday was fantastic and that you enjoy every bit of what sounds like an exciting time away from blogworld!
Lisa your post made me feel comfy and wanting to pour myself a Pimms cocktail. I sending best wishes for a tremendous 2011. May Jan. & Feb. bring great times and greater prospects. See you in March.
Cheers x Deb
hope your time away will be all that you wish.
i can certainly understand the need for some time away from this remarkable blog, but i'm posting my first comment to let you know that you're missed. blessings on you, blessings of earth.
Lisa if you still check your responses, I will miss you very much, have a wonderful sabbatical!
Do Come and join my Giveaway from Blydesign!It is beautiful!
Art by Karena
I just found your blog and pictures and I must say that I am in love with everything. Thanks for all of the lovely inspiration.
Happy sabbatical! I hope you still have time to read Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - I spied its corner peaking into a shot. It is one of my very favorite books. A real gem, much like you're blog. Lucky for me, I've only recently discovered your blog so I can hopefully satiate myself during your two month absence with the archives. Best wishes!
Hi there, my name is Melissah & I'm a designer from Australia. I stumbled across your great blog. I have just got into blogging & just finished of my own site on fashion, design, food & other stuff. You may like to check it out because I had lots of fun putting it together.
I hope you like it.
Hi Lisa Love your blog
I have awrded you the stylish bloggers award please see my blog Rule #1) Thank & link back to the person who awarded you.
#2) Share 7 things about yourself.
#3) Award 10 great bloggers that you recently discovered
#4) Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award
lookingf forwrd to my next visit
fay xx
Just wanted to say, you are missed. Hope all is swell.
Dear Lisa,
I hope all is okay. I found your blog a few months ago and have truly enjoyed getting a sneak peak into your charming life.
Sending you all the best wishes from NYC!
I understand completely! Priorities, priorities.Looking forward to your return!
Just wanted to say hello and hope you return soon. Your fans miss you! :)
Shari from Houston, Texas
Oh my my! What a very fantastic weather you got there as well as great photos!
Miss you. I hope you are doing something wonderful and not being sick etc.
New book. Fabulous. My kind of book. Your kind of book. About Mrs. Delany. "The Paper Garden: Mrs. Delany begins her life's work at 72" by poet Molly Peacock.
I found it on the internet because Mrs. D is one of my obsessions. Molly's too. I ordered from Canada bec it is not published in US until April. You will want it immediately. LL
Miss your posts, but completely understand the need for a break. I spend hours on mine, and feel like a slacker!
Ashwattha Interiors service has been in business of interior projects and contractors for last 15 years with many projects to its credit .The company undertakes major works .We are associated with leading architects and designers. Our staff consists of experienced technical skilled workers equipped with latest and modern tools and machinery.
It started from the partners O. Siva Prasad and T. Ravi Kumar "ASHWATTHA INTERIORS SERVICE" has been in business of furniture (sales and suppliers), interior contractors for the last 10 years with many projects to their credit.
Our strength for turnkey projects lies in the labor and the administrative force that we have acquired over a period of time that delivers the best of workmanship and time schedule. We have a total labor team of carpenters, polish men, painters and false ceiling teams all brought from UP & Rajasthan and stationed in Hyderabad.
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Ashwattha Interiors service has been in business of interior projects and contractors for last 15 years with many projects to its credit .The company undertakes major works .We are associated with leading architects and designers. Our staff consists of experienced technical skilled workers equipped with latest and modern tools and machinery.
It started from the partners O. Siva Prasad and T. Ravi Kumar "ASHWATTHA INTERIORS SERVICE" has been in business of furniture (sales and suppliers), interior contractors for the last 10 years with many projects to their credit.
Our strength for turnkey projects lies in the labor and the administrative force that we have acquired over a period of time that delivers the best of workmanship and time schedule. We have a total labor team of carpenters, polish men, painters and false ceiling teams all brought from UP & Rajasthan and stationed in Hyderabad.
Our administrative team has a team backed by the site Engineers, supervisors. All the site supervisors/engineers are well conversant with the systems adopted and devised by us for a systematic approach to the project with various milestones at different levels of work. This gives us a total control on the project.
" We design a theme home with crafted acsthetics
and carefully planned concepts based on value and historical groundings "
is it March yet?? We miss yoU!
What a beauuuutiful house! xxxx
We miss you Lisa
Gorgeous, ethereal. Such an evocative mood.
I've been waiting with bated breath for 2 months...I'm nearly breathless. where are you?
My dear, I shall look forward to your come back!!This world will be less vivid and colourful without you. ASD x
It's March.
It's March!!!!! :D
I, too, checked back to see if you'd re-emerged yet. I missed you!
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