Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Dear Ones,

I am in the throes of installing my show at the ACME Gallery. Hopefully that will be finished tomorrow as Thursday my mother and sister fly into town, Friday is the cocktail party, and Saturday is the opening.

Will you forgive me if I go on hiatus the next few days to wrap up all the details, play hostess, collect my thoughts, and prepare for the big night?

I promise to take lots of photos and report back on everything. And thank you all for your previously voiced support on my artistic venture; it means the world to me.


Scot Meacham Wood said...

sending you good thoughts - and wishes for a very successful show.

yes, breathe, and enjoy your well-deserved time in the limelight!


pve design said...

Before you go and get all famous on us, just know that it is the "little people" who were here, leaving lovely comments. But of course, you deserve to be the center of attention, after all you are in LA - lap up all the attention and shine like a starlet living a Bloomsbury life.
I know everyone will go GAGA for your work/
I think you need to stitch your blog header - on burlap!

Debra said...

Of course~ we'll be right here waiting for a full report and lots of photos! Enjoy it all and don't forget the bubbly! Won't it be fabulous having your Mom and sister to celebrate with?

Sneaky Magpie said...

good luck Lisa, how very exciting! x

Susan B. said...

Best of luck with your show! How exciting for you!

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful opening. Wish I could be there to purchase one of your tapestries.

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful experience!
wish i could see the show in person. got a question... does your husband read your blog? hope so... cuz someone needs to buy someone flowers, prepare bubble baths, and do light house cleaning, oh yea and feed the boy.
Good luck to you!


Unknown said...

to be honest I'm rarely unhappy that I'm not in california...but this weekend I'd really like to be there. I would dearly love to see your show and only the promise of many photos, stories from you, and I'm sure comments in pubs, is sustaining me. I KNOW it's going to be a smash. have a wonderful time celebrating with friends and family. dana

Mrs. Blandings said...

Luck! Not that you need it - it will be a huge success.

1 Funky Woman said...

Good luck with everything!

Ivy Lane said...

Of course you are forgiven! Best of luck to you on your opening! ENJOY it..... don't forget to blink! and take it all in as much as possible!!!

Style Court said...

So wish I could be there for the opening! Hope the gallery publishes a little catalog of sorts to accompany the show.

Enjoy the whole experience!

Cashon&Co said...

oh, cant wait to hear all about it and see the pics. you'll be fantastic, i know!

home before dark said...

Enjoy and celebrate. Wishing you all the best.

Cathi said...

Cheers to a wonderful show for you! :)

Lucindaville said...

Only if you promise loads and loads of pictures from the opening!

opera glass said...

Best of luck. I know it will be a big success!

Joanna said...

Sending you good wishes and enjoy your day!

24 Corners said...

It's going to be wonderful could it not be! What a special time...Los Angeles is one fortunate city!


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

So exciting. I know it will be a huge success!
I shall be there in spirit.
In a red dress.

Julia said...

Wishing you all the best! Can't wait to see and read how it all went!

A Gift Wrapped Life said...

From what I have seen since recently following you the show will be a big success. Your work is incredible and enjoy the show, the family support and we will love hearing about it.

Jane said...

Enjoy! And best wishes for a wonderful show.

Can't wait to read all about it.

Anonymous said...

The size of your works is really startling. I had no idea looking from the previous photos. The concept, composition and execution are just terrific. I'm glad to know about them.

Anonymous said...

The fruit of your labor will manifest a moment in time that will bring joy and contentment not only now but for years to come. Well done.

Helen James said...

Wishing you such good luck, can't wait to see ..... x

Slim Paley said...

Congratulations and Best of Luck to you Lisa!
I will be stopping by to see your show next week- so looking forward to it!


froogal said...

If only I could be a fly on the wall of Acme Gallery, well maybe not, how about a patron with deep pockets and a glass of champagne...Best Wishes for a fabulous showing...can't wait for all the details!!

Scott Fazzini said...

Forgive you for the hiatus because of such an important event?!.... Lisa, darling, I'd forgive you if you shot me in the leg and broke my favorite Ella Fitzgerald record (The Cole Porter Soundtrack). You, you phenomenally talented, beautiful, and intriguing creature, need no forgiveness.

I wish you mounds of success during your opening, although I know that you'll be received, by all patrons of your show, with as much love and respect as I hold for you daily.

Your faithfully,

L.P. said...

Good luck with the show! And congratulations, I know how much hard work this is!

Am waiting patiently for reports and photos :)

Errant Aesthete said...

Terrifically exciting! The thrill of it all is palpable in your post and the comments.

I'm reminded of Emily Dickinson who said, "That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet."

Best of Luck!

Diane Dorrans Saeks said...


Great good luck with everything.

You will be brilliant and it will all be a dream and real.

fondest to you, DIANE


Susan's Snippets said...

Lisa -

You GO girl and do what you have to do!!

totally behind you


pve design said...

good luck tonight!

Rocio said...

You will be the hostess with the mostest, I am sure. Here I toast to a brilliant success tonight.

We all await eagerly a complete report on the event!!

Best wishes from Spain!!

Debra said...

Wishing I were there! Have fun.

Unknown said...

All good KARMA your way!
I am sure it's going to be a big success!
Enjoy the moment! Pictures please!



Reggie Darling said...

I look forward to reading your posts about the show, and the festivities swirling around it! Reggie

Julie Anne Rhodes said...

The show is so beyond fabulous it is worth the wait for the next blog post. Went back again yesterday to see the pieces without a a million people in the way, and love them even more than the night before. xo

madeleine said...

There is everything to love about the show ... the work you have done and your workspace.

LOVE this. It's a wonderful and satisfying experience and the use of needles and thread, all that time (and work) whilst commenting on beauty by needle.

Really, really appreciate this in all ways.

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