Here goes...

1. My weakness for marzipan is all-consuming.
2. When I was in my 20's, I spent months knitting a complicated sweater for myself only to have it stolen the day after I finally completed it. After crying for a day, I decided I had a choice: either I could remember this moment for the rest of my life with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach (and thereby give misfortune the upper hand), or I could knit the entire thing again. I knitted it again.
3. I've eaten sheep intestines (Turkey), boiled seal meat (Norway) and deep-fried bull testicles (Colorado) and none of it tasted like chicken.
4. I might read too much.
5. Much to my dismay, once I memorize a phone number, it's there forever. I have completely useless phone numbers from 15 years ago floating around in my head which take up a lot of brain bytes that I could be using to remember where I put the keys.
6. I love cold houses. I would much rather wear a sweater than crank up the heat. My husband is the total opposite. This sets the stage for highly furtive thermostat manoeuvers.
7. I don't drive on freeways.
8. Shortly after entering King Tut's tomb in Luxor, Egypt, my forearm swelled up as though it was smuggling a golf ball. I never found out what bit me, but for the rest of the day, I was convinced I was going to be the next victim of the legendary curse.
9. Colors define me. Right now, they're Farrow and Ball's "Railings", Diana Vreeland red and the vivid teal of a peacock's tail feather.
10. "Will and Grace" trivia: I played Diane, the only woman Will Truman ever slept with, on the 2001 Thanksgiving episode called "Lows in the Mid-80's."

I worked on the show at the time and my friends Max and David (the creators) thought it would be fun for me to make an appearance for posterity. My character reappeared a couple of seasons later, only in true Hollywood fashion I was replaced by Mira Sorvino because we obviously look soo much alike (not).
And now for my nominations:
2. Style Court
5. TartanScot
Number 6... just like my house.
And my admiration for you is boundless after reading about the knitted sweater.
Also obsessed with peacock tail blue, never knew you played Diane (!) and like PT and E, I admire you more for the knitting story.
So flattered to be on this list.
I think the not letting the stolen sweater get to you is very telling about your character -in a good way!
Love that you worked on W&G! I have them all on dvd and I'm off to watch that episode now!
Very amusing post, as always. I need to see you as Diane, I've only seen the episode with Mira in it...
I know I read too much. Sometimes while conversing with people I wonder if I tell them something that really happened or something I had read somewhere. Really cool list, Lisa. And I'd love to have you choose the colors for my house.
#2... I heart your spirit.
LOVE this post... just love your sense of humor... glad you re knit the sweater....have a wonderful weekend... x pam
Another peacock blue obsession here. It is in the air apparently. The sweater says a lot about you-I hope you still have it. With you on the cold house and I know I read too much. A great treat this inclusion on your list for Me.Gaye
I think the not letting the stolen sweater get to you is very telling about your character
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Re 6...Are we all married to the same guy?? xv
Lisa I am fascinated by your aversion to freeways...in Los Angeles no less! That must be how you keep your life so beautiful and whimsical...freeways are just soul destroying I think.
Love all your notes and your W&G appearance! That must have been so fun.
lisa and vicki, i thankfully married a guy who also likes the house cold, especially at night. we're at odds though when we stay overnight at my sister's... they sleep in long-sleeve fleece pajamas with the heat blasting at a burning 76 while we're sweating furiously in the guest room.
i only wish i could avoid freeways.
great list. pam
number two happened to me too!!! it was just a really big scarf though, but it was one of my first finished products...
(who'd want it!?!)
Lisa, Thanks so much for nominating me, what an honor! I was trying to make the Will and Grace photo bigger and now I want to see that episode again...one day we shall meet!
You are on "my favorite places" daily click! How nice to see you nominated Bart Boehlerts Beautiful Things.It is delightful
Wow, you're famous!
Thanks for the tag, I'll put my mind to it :)
Oh, and I'm definitely with you on the cold house thing. I have my radiator off in my bedroom here, but my housemates (especially one) are more heat-freaks. I've only just stopped having my window open all day.
How I agree on cold houses. I chalk it up to being Canadian . . .
Hi Lisa-
Especially amused and amazed and impressed at the image of you in front of the freezer cabinet, blithely grocery shopping, as Grace looks furious and about to explode and foiled again (look at the explosion of hair) and tries not to show it.
Great story...along with the Tut tomb histoire!
Have a great time among the Bloomsberries at Mills...
Thank you for your kind nomination. I will focus on it on return from Jaipur.
cheers, www.thestylesaloniste.com
Honestly, you deserve it.
That sweater story deserves it's very own book.
Fascinating blog.
My dear, thank you so much. I didn't know you are quite a celebrity. I learn something new about you today :)
Dearest, just back from Berlin and quickly checking in on you, love your list, we have the thermostate wars too, I am the cozy one, my better half loves all the windows open, any time...
Well, I might read to much as well, neigh (means no in Saxony German), never too much!
Truly fun facts!
Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!
<3 V.
Lisa... You are beyond cool. I think I remember seeing you on that episode shortly after seeing you guys in NYC on one of Jeannine and I's buying trips. I love your blog and am inspired to pay more attention to my own. You are helping me in a round about way to finish with the task of decorating our mountain cabin looking house. I am trying to make it not so 70's rustic and more .... well, not traditional Aspen looking. I have been inspired with ideas after reading many of your blog posts. They are always well written and inspirational for all stylistas around the globe. Keep it up!! Kisses to your boys!
Athena: So nice to hear from you! Thank you for all the kind words. I'm sure your house is beyond cool...how amazing it must be to live surrounded by mountains. My best to you and your husband, xxx
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