Monday, January 21, 2013

Who's Obsessed With Who?

Thank you so much to for including me in their new article. It's an honor to be in such exclusive company!

(click HERE)

Having A Bloomsbury Life picked as one of Slim Paley's favorites is a massive thrill as I have long been an admirer of her own stylish blog brimming with inspiration from her glamorous globe-trotting life. She has a keen editor's eye for fashion and interiors and she's really really funny -- this confessional post of hers (click HEREis one of my all-time favorites.

For my pick, I chose a blog that sparks, stirs and satisfies the gypsy wanderer in me: Design Tripper. The global hideaways that Meghan chooses emphasize character and soulfulness instead of plasma TVs or in-room jacuzzis. It's my go-to destination when I need to escape from Hollywood and still make the school carpool line by 3pm.

Click HERE to read the entire article and discover the other blogs design bloggers can't live without...I know I'll be doing a lot of bookmarking!


  1. I just put you as one of my favourites and listed you on my blog as well! It was a great article and I discovered Slim Paley and Library of Design through this article.

  2. coulda shoulda woulda:

    Thank you so much and yes, I have a lot of new favorites as well.

  3. Congratulations! I look forward to finding new blogs.

  4. Congratulations!

  5. Congratulations on HB!! What a great opportunity. I adore Slim too. I'll click over to read the article and let the bookmarking begn!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a great honor & article. Totally sounds like sucking up, but both your & Slim's blogs are my top 5 favorites -- the kind that make my heart leap when new posts appear in my reader.

    It's hard sometimes to squash the green monster & not feel grumpy about your travels and gorgeous homes! ;-) I look forward to checking out your pick and some of the other new-to-me blogs.

  8. Congratulations, Lisa! What a fantastic way for you to start out the New Year. I'm excited to be adding a couple of new blogs to my Google page - Slim Paley is a wonderful read! Hope your weeks is off to a great start, Cynthia

  9. Big fan of Slim and I found you through her Slim's Pickings tab on her site. You are two of my favs! Thank you!

  10. gilety 779Bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, bookmark...

    Thank you and congratulations!


  11. Congrats! I love who's obsessed with is sort of like incest...well no, maybe not that far gone....but it is fun to see how this circle of blog love grows.
    Thanks for sharing....

  12. Oh Lisa how exciting! House Beautiful!! You must be thrilled. I will check them all out. Sounds like "Slim" loves your posts as much as I do, so I will probably adore her blog. Keep up the good work. A Bloomsbury Life is a trip, a treat, a laugh and possibly an adventure in my in box & I LOVE it!

  13. Slim is so classy. Of course she loves you!

  14. Yes, thanks to House Beautiful I found your blog, then I looked in the book I had just checked out of the library, Undecorate, and found you again! So glad.

  15. congratulations! i'll check out the article and the other bloggers. joy to you, noreen

  16. Lisa how absolutely exciting and what a terrific article by House Beautiful. I need to track an issue down here in Scotland. I look forward to reading Style Tripper and the others I have not read. Slim is definitely on my reading list. I only wish there were more hours in a day. Congrat's to you, so well deserved.

  17. Fabulous list...and it's so cool that Slim picked YOU, but not one bit surprising! You've created your very own, wonderous rabbit hole here at's always such an inspirational visit!
    And now you better polish up the silver, because I'm sure the HB guests will be arriving en masse shortly, if they haven't already!
    Loved that post of Slim' funny!
    Brava Lisa...
    xo J~

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  19. Congratulations Lisa... you are in some of my favourite company... xv

  20. congrats, Lisa! How wonderful. Love yours, and excited to discover others also.

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