Monday, September 3, 2012

Paradise Regained

We made it, people.
It's September.
And you know that what means...

1. We're getting closer to standing with our backs to the fire. 
(Photo via HERE)

2. Taking a walk in ethereal blue-gray light.
(Venice, Italy. Photographer unknown.)

3. Busying ourselves with indoor pursuits.
(William Hogarth, "The Distressed Poet", 1736.)

4. Getting our wool out of storage.  
(Photograph by Mark Neville.)

5. Sitting around stewing.
(Winter Vegetable and Tofu Korma. Recipe and photo via 101 Cookbooks.)

6. Transitioning our spaces into private refuges.
(Photo by James Merrell from THIS fabulous article.)

 7. Contemplating our fall entertaining schedule.
(Print by John Faber, 1733)

8. Puttering.
(Photo by Valerie Finnis.)

9. Hugging something hairy.
(Pillows via La Garconne HERE.)

10. Inviting our long-lost summer friends over for a cuppa.

(Photographer unknown.)

Yes, it's still quite warm here in Los Angeles, but as long as it's September, I'm in an entirely different state of mind.

How about you?



  1. I am in full September mode but it involves taking out short sleeves, throwing open the windows and doors, drinking gin and tonic on the verandah, taking the dog for a trim and gasping with wonder at blossom and sprouting leaves. That is September, Southern Hemisphere style.

  2. Oh for sure! It is getting cooler and the days re getting shorter. Have a great fall.

  3. Bring on the Harris Tweed and elbow patches....

  4. Ha, I thought you were going to say there will be new episodes of Downton Abbey !

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

    never saw that particular pic of Vita, a treat

  5. Thank you SO much for sharing the WSJ article about the Birleys. It was fabulous - when are we going to check out the new club?

  6. I LOVE this post! How can it be possible that I have only now stumbled across your wonderful blog? Beautiful.

  7. almost, almost, not quite there yet. Still muggy here in NYC so finding it hard to be in an autumnal state of mind. Soon though!

  8. Can't come soon enough!! Our leaves are already beginning to change early this year which has me SO excited.

  9. We are entirely on the same page.
    I just posted for the week, and well, we are entirely on the same page. Love you, Lisa!

  10. Yes, I'm there mentally but physically it's still swampy here in Virginia. I long for sweaters and roaring fires but have to settle for sweating and heat rash.


  11. How I envy you. Here we're plunging towards an antipodean summer and I wish I could walk through the wardrobe door into a northern hemisphere autumn with all the introverted, singed-backs heaven you portray.

  12. This post ... the loveliest of lovelies, is soooo welcome! As a landscape designer in the Midwest, I need a rest from the 60-hr-work-weeks. I never would have believed I could love our season changes as I do. Could you be a closet Midwestern wannabee?

  13. Thank you for the wonderful links. So warm and wonderful. Daniel

  14. It's been pretty muggy and warm here in NY lately, but the start of September always gets me excited for the coming of Autumn. What's not to love about that season? Cozy sweaters, apple cider, the crunch of leaves underfoot, a chill in the evening air... I love it all!

  15. We are promised weather in the 70's in Chicago for the rest of this week and it can only get better from there! Looking forward to light sweaters, cuddling in under the down throw and hikes in the woods to enjoy the changing colors. Thanks for another wonderful post.

  16. September in Colorado is sublime.
    I love this time of year so very much, but we are still a bit warm too. I can feel and smell fall right around the corner. Beautiful pictures Lisa, and so very you!

  17. much of northern japan can not handle (and does not have) ac... and with an unseasonably warm summer i relish this rainy 72 degree september day! bring on the cardigans & turtlenecks!

  18. Lisa, I've been following your blog for a while, but this, this was magic and genius. Like you, I'm sweltering in our Los Angeles heat. Come fall, come soon!

  19. The turkeys are foraging in local fields. The Canada geese, who should be renamed the Tristate Area geese, are beginning to migrate, and the Poconos nights are often cooling down enough to warrant long sleeves again. I am loving it, and hoping for a wicked snowy winter!

  20. Ah, I love all the ways you love AUTUMN! Yeah, it is never quite cold and gray in L.A. (I live here too). Today, had a little drizzle and lovely gray clouds overhead. That was a treat. I do look forward to cooler weather and being able to bake again like pies and muffins.

  21. I am so with you! It's 90+ degrees here in Georgia, but I DON'T CARE! It's fall and time to put away the white linen and bring out the darker colors; still linen as there's no way I'm wearing wool or corduroy right now!

  22. Wow! Really wonderful collection. It seems link simply superv.I appreciate the Post and I would like to see more good stuff keep it up! This is very nice article and have great updates.

    ewald struggl

  23. Oh me too!! Just love September. In fact it is a picture perfect early fall day here in New England as I type!

  24. You continue to outdo yourself and I find it all marvelous. Thank you!


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