Sunday, August 12, 2012

Vedi, Veni, Venice

Do you fancy going to an exclusive art opening in Venice with me? Right now? (The only possible answer to that question, by the way, is "Y-E-S.") And I know it's Monday morning and you have a million things to do but I'll have you back before you know it. :)
(Salon No. 9, July 21st, Venice, California. Photo by Jack Simon.)

Here's what you need to know before we get there:

1. Gallery owner Claressinka Anderson and independent art expert Yasmine Mohseni are co-curating a group show of eight California artists: Tanya Aguiniga, Blake Collins, Alika Cooper, Stephanie Dotson, Nathan Hayden, Ana Kras and Ry Rocklen. And me. (I am very honored.)

Here's Claressinka. Stop it, right?
(Claressinka Anderson. Photo by Jack Simon. )

And here's Yasmine. Stop it times two.
(Yasmine Mohseni)

Jack Simon and Laura Ford from the übercool blog Style Station are here snapping lots of pictures, thank goodness, because this is one crazy fabulous gallery opening. In their words, "People looked at the art and we looked at the people." You're telling me.

(Photo by Jack Simon.)

(Photo by Jack Simon.)

(Photo by Jack Simon.)
(Photo by Jack Simon.)

I think we can officially call this a scene. Do you need a top-up of champagne? No? Then let's follow the girl in the hat upstairs.
(Photo by Jack Simon.)

I just have to take one picture on the couch with Claressinka holding two of the pillows I made. That's Piero in the foreground taking an awfully long time to find a camera angle. (Thank God for my friend Jeanne who is standing behind him.)

Here's one of the embroidered pieces I did called "The Journey From Love to Hate."
(Thread on canvas, 2012, by LBG. 14" by 11". SOLD.)

And this one is my interpretation of the HBO show "Girls" mashed up with Jane Austen's Emma.
("West End Girls" by LBG. Thread on canvas. 14.5" by 12". Available.)

And here's the guy version. Think "The Hangover" meets Thackeray's Vanity Fair.
("London Calling" by LBG, 2012. Thread on canvas. 13" by 10.5". Available.)

And here's another look at those pillows. (The back sides are upholstered in a very Kings Road-ish wool tartan.) Bonus points if you can identify the song lyric.
("Sweetness" pillow. 12" by 18". Limited edition of three. Two available.)

(detail of "Sweetness" pillow.)

("Anarchy" pillow, limited edition of three. SOLD.)

(detail of "Anarchy" pillow. 12" by 18".)

Let's just listen to a few songs by White Fence (HERE) and then I'll take you back home.

Thank you so much for coming!


P.S. For further information about Marine Contemporary, call 310-399-0294 or email them at


  1. Lisa,
    Congratulations! Your work is gorgeous! I love your burlap baroque, rustic regency style! It's so unique and though I only know you through this blog, it's such a compliment to your writing and interior design- a sort of Punk Persephone. Very inspiring...
    And thank you for letting us shadow you through the show- armchair gallery traveling is perfect on a Monday morning!
    xx, Lily

  2. The song lyric is The Smiths, or is it just Morrisey?
    Your work is over the top Lisa!
    Unlike anything else out there.
    I especially love the Girls/Austen piece.
    I mean, where do you come up with this stuff?
    Too, good, it's just too good!
    Congrats on being selected for this show!

  3. Thank you very much for allowing us to visit the exhibit. Yes, definitely a scene, but also definitely a gallery that shows some very good artists.


  4. The lyrics on the second pillow are by the Sex Pistols. Do tell us more about the buttons on the pillows!

  5. The lyrics on the second pillow are by the Sex Pistols. Do tell us more about the buttons on the pillows!

  6. Lily:
    "Burlap baroque, rustic regency" style. You and your way with words! LOVE that. xxx

    Thank you so much, Emily, you know how much I appreciate you! xx

    You should definitely Google the other artists -- their work was amaze balls. I'm sorry I don't have any photos of them.

    Lisa Swartz:
    Yes on the SP lyrics. The buttons are all vintage and were purchased on eBay.

  7. Love the Smiths pillow! Thanks for letting us in for a peek at the scene. I could never, ever imagine myself there in person, so it was great to be a lurking fly on the wall.

  8. Love the title of this post. Sooo clever and cute just like your artwork! Congrats on the show. Wish I could have really made it, but what a fun way to be brought along to it with your post! Thank you!

  9. Really, can't we just stay for another wee little tipple and another song?

  10. Hello Lisa

    Your artistic talent amazes me. I love your originality and humour.
    Thank you this wonderful post and allowing me to tag along.
    I had a wonderful time. Now I must put you on my calendar for a future visit.

    Helen xx

  11. Love The Smiths reference!!! Great pillow. :)

  12. Love your work and wish I'd been at the opening. The "girl in the hat" is a family member - big surprise seeing her on the blog.

  13. Goodness, you have been busy! I adore your new work!! Oh, and Bigmouth Strikes Again??? Not me, you understand!

  14. Ok, I'm sorry but... is that James Van Der Beek on the pillow button? If so, I am IN.

  15. Gosh, I never get to go to art openings like that...even when I'm in Venice! Love, love your canvases. Thanks for posting the photos, what a fantastic trip. :)

  16. quite seduced by your divine art....very clever very cool....once I'd worked out you didn't mean Venice, Italy!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  19. is there still a smiths pillow for sale? can i have it?

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