Monday, July 30, 2012

Michigan, July 29th

Regular posts resume next week because I'm travelling. I had forgotten how beautiful the Midwest can be in the summertime. Last night, we took a stroll through the grounds of Cranbrook, and every vista was more enchanting than the one before. 
(Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, 2012.)

My brother drove over in his 1966 Ford Thunderbird convertible and I jumped behind the wheel before he quite knew what was happening. It felt good.

Isn't the speedometer completely fabulous?



  1. Ah, Michigan. I was born and raised there and yes, the summers are lovely! Unfortunately, I typically only make it back in the thick of winter. You look fabulous behind the wheel of that car! This weekend I said to my husband, "won't it be great when we can have cars as toys!" A girl can dream.


  2. Now you inspire me to visit Cranbrook, and how cool is your brother's classic car.

  3. Turn up The Lovin' Spoonful and drive!!

  4. I've always wanted to see Cranbrook. I know the campus has a beautiful plan. Maybe I'll get there some day. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hello Lisa

    Enjoy Michigan. I have had the best cherries in Traverse City, are they still in season. Have a great time
    Helen xx

  6. I'm not really a car person, but I did bring to our marriage in 1975, 1965 mustang. Unfortunately it died between a pile up at a stop light between a Bel Aire and a GTO! Still miss that car...

  7. Ahh, home. We visited The Henry Ford when we were back earlier this month for the 4th. I havem't been since I was a kid, and it is so delightful. The Thomas Edison laboratory at Greenfield Village made me cry. If you get a chance to take Luca, I think he'd love it, and the color palette of his jars et al will make you sigh in awe. Tea when you return? xxxx

  8. if that car could talk it would say, "lisa - please take me to california with you"
    we have a 64 rambler that won't stop running! the other lisa

  9. I love those old-style dashboards. They're so easy to read. Very cool car!

  10. and the speedometer goes over 110 mph! i wonder if your brother has ever challenged the car for speed? cranbrook looks lovely. enjoy, n

  11. Ooooh, what an awesome ride through the midwest! Great snap shot of you behind the wheel. Have fun on your vacation!

  12. When I moved to Chicago from downstate Illinois, I took the Moral Highroad and renounced private vehicle ownership as environmentally irresponsisble, but really, it was mostly because of all the parking tickets and the high cost of gas--close to two dollars a gallon at that point. Even so, I might consider breaking my green vows for a sweet set of wheels like that. Get thee behind me, Satan!

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