Friday, June 1, 2012

Gathering Moments

Life is a plot line.
We are born, time passes, stuff happens and then we die.
End of story.
(All photos by LBG.)

When we're growing up, many of us spend a lot of time focusing on the job, the salary, the house, and all the rest of it -- all the achievements that shore up the structure of our lives. The so-called "big stuff."
(London, 2010.)

But if we're lucky, there will come a day when we realize that the big stuff isn't what matters most. Sure, all the challenges and triumphs are important. But what lies in between them  -- in all those spaces and crevices brimming with small unheralded moments -- is where we are really given the chance to live meaningfully. 

Take your morning cup of coffee, for example. It's nothing special unless you invest it with significance. 

But how do you do that?

Maybe you suddenly appreciate the thick velvety silence that surrounds you while the rest of the world sleeps. Or maybe you listen to the birds outside and realize that no matter what happened yesterday, they always wake up optimistic for the future. Or maybe you are reminded of a photo you once saw of Elizabeth Taylor sipping coffee on a yacht in the Sardinian sea. Or maybe you just are grateful that the crick in your neck is gone. 

That's the crazy-simple secret of a satisfying life: appreciating as many of these teeny tiny little moments as you can.

Once you open your eyes and your heart to them, you will find them everywhere.

In a pair of unlikely friends.
(Ford and Paul. Photograph by Jeanne Tripplehorn.)

In the dwindling rays of sunlight falling across a vast plain of possibility.
(Sunset in the Moroccan desert, 2009.)

In the cheerful warmth of a favorite room.
(Home, 2012.)

In a sweaty handful of wildflowers.
(Normandy, France, 2007.)

In the promise of a blackberry cardamom almond cake fulfilled.
(Home, 2012. Recipe from Scandalicious, HERE.)

In the joy of being able to lose yourself in your work.
(detail, "On the Price of Beauty",  2010.)

In the late afternoon hike no one wanted to go on and everyone ended up glad they did.
(Hollywood Hills, 2011.)

In ten minutes of not moving a muscle.
(Home, 2012.)

In the private unveiling of one perfect flower.
(Home, 2012.)

All these things will melt into you and become part of you, if you let them.

Let them.



  1. Thank you for such a beautiful and thoughtful post.

  2. Oh Lisa,
    always seeking out the poetry of everyday,
    between the swing of the incessant pendulums -
    and this place
    A Bloomsbury Life
    with its mantras and art and recipes and
    magic carpet itineraries
    is a lens that you hold up for us to look through!
    And what a fabulous kaleidoscope it always is!
    many thanks!
    xo Lily

  3. Beautiful, simply beautiful. I recognize your soul.

  4. Lovely thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hello Lisa

    This is all so true. Being in the moment and being aware as you imply is so important.
    Thank you I shall remember that tomorrow as I head out on an 8 hr drive.
    Have a glorious weekend
    Helen xx

  6. Lisa, I do like the message that you've given us in this post.

    When we do allow that extra moment to relish something or other, we are surely enriched.

    Best wishes!

  7. Darn woman, may I hire you to speak at my funeral.
    You really know how to make a grown woman cry.
    Gathering are a cross between a soliloquist and some sort of wizard.
    It's like a state of the union, wedding speech or graduation address. Makes me feel all goose-bumpy.

  8. Lisa words much needed at the moment; thank you for being you; and for this oh so important reminder of life's importance.

    Art by Karena

  9. Beautiful post Lisa, you know your blog is one of my favourites, I always keep up with your posts but seldom have the time to comment. I was thinking of you the other day as I spent some time at La Colombe d' Or, I recalled an enchanting post you wrote about it.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  10. what a beautiful thoughtful post, Just what I needed this morning

  11. Thank you for a refreshing moment and a reminder to live with an attitude of gratitude.

  12. Such a good message. The little things in life are some of the most pleasurable.


  13. Lisa, lovely thoughts and photos. They have a bit of zen in them with just being in the moment wherever that may be; morning coffee or sitting still. Thank you.

  14. I completely agree. It's that tension of trying to retain & hold on to it all, while still "being in the moment," that I struggle with. I suspect we all do.

  15. Lisa, sometimes your posts are so eerily aligned with my own needs it's frightening. This hit me right over the head. Thank you!


  16. So very appreciative that the 'crick in my neck has disappeared' really did, and I hope it stays wherever it took itself off to!
    Gloriously sublime images and thoughts Lisa...and beautifully profound.♥
    xo J~

  17. My sentiments as well and I posted yesterday on taking NOTHING, nada, for granted. Life is a BLESSING! As you are...

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Wonderful and much-needed post to remind us what life is all about. Thank you.

  20. Congratulations on your essay in MSL. I recognized the sampler before I noticed the byline.

    Encouraging words. Nicely done!

    Lisa in Vermont

  21. Very intresting and lovely blog!

    What do u say about following each others blog on Gfc and bloglovin just to stay in contact this way?

    Lots of love,

  22. Lisa, lovely sentiments. Thank you for the sweet reminder. Shiree'

  23. Been away since your hiatus - so glad I remembered you when I had a minute to crave the juxtaposition of shredded luxury, dingy grandeur, mundane profundity, and all the other contrasts you do so well...

  24. Been away since your hiatus - so glad I remembered you when I had a minute to crave the juxtaposition of shredded luxury, dingy grandeur, mundane profundity, and all the other contrasts you do so well...

  25. Love the photo of the dog and bird! Great moment!

    The Office Stylist

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