Sunday, January 1, 2012

This Is It

What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is a creation of the mind.


(Sunrise on Rapa Nui, 2007. Photo by LBG.)

Every moment is an opportunity to redefine yourself. Who are you going to be in 2012?


Karena said...

Happy New Years Lisa!! This is indeed a time of reflection and creativity.

All the best in 2012!

I hope you will enter my Giveaway From Serena & Lily!

Art by Karena

Notes From ABroad said...

Feliz Año Nuevo
, we will be reflecting on our ideas for where our next home might be :)

noreen said...

lisa, beautiful picture. happy 2012! i look forward to visiting and seeing what you are up to. joy and blessings, noreen

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

When I was little, I wanted to be either Hayley Mills or Hermione Gingold. I know that last one is a bit odd, but I coveted her red rooms in Gigi.

Now I just wish to be a better version of me!

Wishing you a wonderful new year, Lisa!!
your friend,

pve design said...

This is it.....the year to be the best me.
Wishing you and yours an "it" sort of year.

Emily said...

One of my most favorite quotes ever!
Can't wait to see what you are thinking today for tomorrow!

Diane Dorrans Saeks said...



Earlier I had written in a notebook:

2011 was great
2012 is going to be wonderful
Now, the present, is a fine place to be.

In 2012...take pleasure seriously.

cheers, as always, DIANE

Blue Turtle said...

A very refreshing thought for the New Year. What we are now is a product of our past actions. Happy New Year!

jeavon @ Interior Design Pro

Acanthus and Acorn said...

That is absolutely the perfect quote of to start the year off! I'm going to jot it down and put it on my desk.

I am hoping to be less hurried and distracted by things that aren't important.

Best wishes to you for a fabulous new year!

JMW said...

Happy New Year! Yes, what to become in 2012? I hope to find my passion and follow it. We'll see where this year takes me. :)

helen tilston said...

Hello Lisa

Wishing you the best in 2012.

I shall try and do my best this year.

Looking forward to your inspiring posts


Anonymous said...

WOW, this is truly marvelous i wasn't able to catch it earlier but its not too let yet.
the photographer knows how to say good bye. :)

~GM Navs


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