Red (warmth), yellow (energy) and blue (strength).
Does seeing these colors together get your blood going like mine does?

(Luke Irwin rug, "Ikat 4." HERE.)
Here's Duncan Grant breakfasting in his dining room at Charleston House. Can't you see yourself sitting opposite him, your head filled with all sorts of brilliant ideas?

(Courtesy of Hibernian Homme.)
Yes, Eliza. I'm in. I will cook whatever you tell me to, even if it's your (gulp) Cornish eels in brown caper sauce or your shrimp toast á la reine.

(Jacket design by Coralie Bickford-Smith. HERE.)
Hello, pretty mirror. I would imagine that everything reflected in you looks cheerful and lively, even a countenance that had a few too many Brandy Alexanders the night before.

(World of Interiors, March 2007.)
A friend of mine sent me this photo of these new Martin Margiela boots and I don't need to own them to dream about them. Aren't they so 21st century Mary Poppins?

(source unknown)
This is an oldie but a goodie: Drew Barrymore's Flower Films office as decorated by designer Ruthie Summers.

(via Domino Magazine.)
Tina Barney made this woman in red and blue the focus of her composition. The yellow items on the table complete the "warmth-energy-strength" triumvirate.

("Thanksgiving, 1992." Photograph by Tina Barney.)
Primary colors can work in a bedroom too. Peter Dunham adds a lavender sofa and Indian printed fabrics to create a haven of tranquility.

(via Domino magazine)
You'll never guess what this is -- the tunic of a Sherwood Forester from the 17th century. Is that not crazy? It's made of green and red facecloth trimmed with silver braid which has taken on a gold patina. Christopher Gibbs, bon vivant, antiques dealer and best friends with the Rolling Stones, sold it at a Christies auction a few years back.

(Details HERE.)
Last but not least, I was inspired to stitch a view of the room in my house that always lifts my spirits.

("Study for Living Room", 2011, by LBG. Thread, canvas, fine point Sharpies.)
What are your big three?
wonderful embroidery!
Ahhh your new embroidery is gorgeous!!!
Lisa, your embroidery piece is beautiful!
And I love all those images, especially the slippers on the carpet, it reminds me of 19th century illustration.
All in green went my love riding on a great horse of gold into the silver dawn...
that first line of an ee cummings poem lists my three coIor passions: green and gold and silver.
I'm feeling warmer, more energized and stronger already (although that may be due to last night's yoga!) after reading your post and your embroidery is beautiful. I love the Martin Margiela boots - those are not only made for walking, but skipping and dancing too! Have a lovely week, Lisa! XOX Cynthia
Your 'favorite view' is be able to just willy-nilly create such a piece astounds me!
My favorite 'three & a half' have always been blue, green, yellow, and red...the red being the half as it's usually the accent, but none the less vital. Our laundry room has a green floor, blue walls (robins egg), and the W/D are sits just outside the hall that's painted nicotine yellow (as is the main area of the house)...and I love it all together!
Those boots are very Poppin's...and wicked cool!
xo J~
A wonderful combination of colors that I had not really thought about before! I love a good ikat.
Beautiful embroidery, and I like those warm colors in your first photo.
I am a primary color girl and all blues and reds and yellows are good with me.
LOVE your stitches....
Check this out:
Enjoy the sun! It's getting rather gray over here!
Your work is amazing-need I say so? and adding the sharpies-how? my palette went from apricot and pink, and black with red-to Violet, blue and camel with the inevitable addition of Chinese red I think. pgt
My favorite is your embroidery, Lisa.
Adding blue is a tough requirement. Reds, yellows, oranges, browns and gold all go together easily, but you have to be brave to add blues to that combination.
I have the same big three--though I have to add a fourth, green.
Love your "Study"!
Your color combo crush is mine too. I especially love these three colors when they are muted. I can't get over your embroidery Lisa. You have such talent!
Your art work is always so amazing whether it's stitched or Sharpie fine point! Your reference to an eel dish was startling as I've just finished dinner with my boys and we were recounting a trip to SanFrancisco/Chinatown. I told them the reason we couldn't eat lunch there was I couldn't get past the fresh, dead eels hanging in some of the windows. They didn't remember the scene, but it's still very vivid for me. Loved the post (as always)
Love that embroidery! At the moment, my three colors would have to be pumpkin, mossy green, and rusty brown. However, I am a fan of blue and white. While tomorrow, I may sway toward sky blue and wheat. Just like the seasons, my favorite colors are always changing. One color, however, remains a constant, Jane Eyre Gray.
My big three currently are "genuine, modern, light" and I just want to bathe in pale silvery polished colors - I need light and white and bright and to feel cleansed.
My palette however are where I want to use colors.
Red, Yellow and blue make everything I need.
Hi Lisa, my favorite three would be the delicate versions of your favorite three - the ones found in Italian frescos! Thank you for your always a delight-to-see blog, such a treat! and for two Christmas present suggestions - Perfectly Imperfect House and now, A Day in the Life of Ancient Rome!
That ikat rug is incredible! And the MM boots remind me of a gorgeous carpet bag that my friend bought at Liberty about 10 years ago and that I've coveted since I first saw.
My blog today has a bathroom in red yellow and blue - that you will LOVE!
Sorry-- sent too soon! Here is the full comment. Cadmium red (deep), thalo blue, and white, but you can hardly go wrong with any three colors. I love the way you "draw" in thread ... as I work more line into my paintings, I will think of your work... Well done!
Hi Lisa, congratulations for the blog and the embroidery is really gorgeous, hat off!!!! It would be a pleasure to meet you and see some of your artwork at my new art community site. Best regards.
I love the boots, they are practically perfect in every way.
Those boots perfectly match the carpet. And that room you stitched! Incredible!!! I want one. I had no idea about those three colors but they are always colors that appeal to me too and now I know why. Thanks!!
Red and yellow--yes, yes, yes!
Good and another post from you admin :)
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