I have something to tell you.

First of all, thank you so much for all your lovely comments over the past two months.
I missed you.
The truth is, I fell into a blogging wormhole.
* * * * *
Toward the end of 2010, I woke up one morning and realized that I was living a life antithetical to everything that "A Bloomsbury Life" champions. In September, I was happy-happy and full of energy and positivity but then as the months collapsed and the days became darker, so did my spirits. It happened slowly, for no discernible reason, by infinitely small degrees. Around mid-November, I became aware that my fierce love for the interior charms of winter months had vanished. I realized I wasn't really entertaining or having dinner parties. I no longer noticed the beauty of small moments. I wasn't exercising. I didn't see my friends that much. I certainly wasn't an optimal wife or mother.
My existence had been reduced to one of four phases:
1. Worrying about what I was going to write next.
2. Researching what I was going to write next.
3. Writing it.
4. Pressing the "Publish Post" button, at which time I would immediately start worrying about what I was going to write next.
Let me say right now that I get down on my hands and knees in abject admiration for all the amazing bloggers out there who tirelessly commit themselves to writing multiple posts a week. I don't know how they do it. I think they must be made of stronger stuff.
* * * * *

Long story short, I'm feeling much better now. What changed? For one thing, I gave myself back the gift of time. I recommitted myself to living in the moment. (And when you're not spending 50 hours a week blogging, a lot of moments pop up.) When my son asked if I would sit outside and watch him shoot hoops, I said yes. When my neighbor rang the doorbell and invited me to go on an impromptu hike in the Hollywood Hills with her two dogs, I said yes. When my husband opened a bottle of wine after dinner and called up, "Are you going to come downstairs and watch Top Chef with me?", I said yes. I had stupidly forgotten that these little things matter a great deal.
In other words, I've been trying to do what I always tell everybody else to do: Live with passion and purpose and be happy while you can.
* * * * *
During my hiatus, I spent a great deal of time thinking about this blog and how I wanted to wake up as excited to contribute as I was when I first started it. I want to give you my best self but, to be frank, the idea of doing three posts a week again scares me. I don't want to fall into another wormhole. Also, it's a new year. I want to try new things. Mix it up a little. So...(drumroll, please).... From now on, every week will feature a written post OR a short webisode (yes, webisode!) made by yours truly.
The series will officially begin next week, but here's a little preview:
Or click HERE.
I hope you like watching it as much as I loved making it.
More to come,
Lovely to see your blog pop up. I know just what you mean about needing to step back.
I do hope you feel refreshed.
Welcome back, Lisa. Love it.
A hundred thousand welcomes. I fully understand and will just love and appreciate whatever you write and do.
You are the best!
hi Lisa - When blogging intrudes on and starts to take over your life it is always time to reconsider why you are even doing it. Your posts are always thoughtful, and three a week must have been a big effort. We all feel under pressure to continue consistently, and that can be hard.
Having been recently diagnosed with cancer I now find myself asking: 'Write post or sit in sunshine smelling the flowers?' or 'Write post or watch children running around pretending to be wizards?' Or 'Write post or curl up with a book?' And you can guess what the answer usually is.
Love your little video, and that archway is coming along a treat.
Hi lisa,
I don't have a blog, but the idea has often crossed my mind. I love reading blogs. But....I know me. I feel that I would in the end I would be seeing the world and my day to day life in a blogging perspective. When I do something it is with enthusiastic passion 100%, I would be trying to make it perfect and that I feel is not a good trait to have with a blog, it would consume me, it would lose its authenticity and I would be scared of losing myself to it. It is really a matter of knowing yourself. But hey something positive came from all of that for you. You realised, you came back to you again.
Reading your post today, just reinforced my own theory about myself.
Good on you for being true to yoursel. It is lovely to have you back. Looking forward to reading your new style of blogging.
I did miss you and to be honest was living vicariously through you and your domesticity and saying yes to life. Never once did I ever imagine you in a wormhole, but creative types needs bits of time in silence and just to hear one's own thoughts.
Glad that you are back with us, as you were dearly and sorely missed but I do love that you gave yourself, your people your time and attention and that is most important. Being true to you and to us. That is why I fell for you immediately. Nothing false, just real and delightful and enchanting.
Hooray! This was exactly what I needed to see at the end of a rather blue day. I so needed the reminder to focus on the beautiful details of my every day life, to not be bogged down by the tasks to complete in order to plan my extremely budgeted wedding. I need to focus on my fiance, the sweetest man I have ever met. I need to focus on the joy of getting married surrounded by everyone we love. I need to focus on the joy of setting up a cozy nest of our own. I need to revel in the thoughts of our upcoming honeymoon in Scotland (any recommendations?!).
Thank you for the reminder.
Your presence has been missed. Now I can look forward to curling up in your Bloomsbury world every week.
Oh double Yay!
So glad to see you back.
I know you understand this already - but your blog is so worth reading. I have missed it.
Having said that I also cannot imagine producing three posts of quality every week- as you did for so long.
Looking forward to what is in store.
Cheers to you yours.
Did I say Double Yay already?
Mary (www.follyandivy.wordpress.com)
Your blog is an exceptional and enchanting work of art. The effort that you have placed on even the most minute details speaks wonders of you as a writer and as a visionary. I just discovered your colorful scribings and am throughly overjoyed to see the webisodes you have in store for your readers, the teasers were fantastic. As a student I know how difficult it can be to find the time. Welcome back!
What a terrifically honest post - I applaud you.
Having just watched your first webisode and answering yes to everything [especially emanicpated pleasures], I will be looking forward to the Monday's that you choose to share - they will be a delight to start my week with.
felcity x
A toast to you!
The world is turning fast, and we must all take quality care of our valuable selves and those we love. Thanks for leading the way.
Your blog is a welcome friend whenever you open the door and invite us in. And, I can't wait to come and visit the new webisodes.
All in due time and on your time!
Lisa, I love it. and it only reinforces my desire to sit down with you over a pot of tea and a stack of books and have a GOOD conversation. I, too, have struggled with finding inspiration in blogging lately. And I'm not quite sure what to do about it. But it's nice to collect people who inspire me!
-- a fellow winter lover who found the December rains to be too much
I feel like a bit of a late bloomer having only just discovered your blog but I can see that Ive stumbled upon something special and I'm looking so forward to what you will do next! A slower pace in all things is more than welcome!!!
All the best!
Can tell you are refreshed, I hear it and then see it. I find the webisode idea so refreshing and thank you in advance for it Moving on is always the thing to do. Bravo!
So good to see that beckoning crook of your creative finger again!
And looking forward to more adventures in b-land...
Wow, a reason to start loving Mondays!
Lisa, you said it all so beautifully.
Yes, how can a blogger live the life they are blogging about if they are blogging all of the time?
I do not have a blog, cause I simply don't think I could come up with enough interesting things to write about.
I admire and thank those of you who do, and Lisa, even a little is better than none from you, because I know they will be FULL and have a great quality like they always do. BUT, it will make me smile knowing you are not stressing as much..........
Lisa, welcome back. Your blog has been an endless source of inspiration for me, and of course the fact that I met you makes it all so wonderful. I totally understand your new plan and applaud it. I am a newcomer to the blogosphere, and although i feel the excitement that comes from this new form of writing, there are times when I feel a bit overwhelmed by it also. Your voice has had a huge impact on so many of us, and I want to say thank you for all that you have given to this form, and all that you will give, in whatever shape it takes, in the future. The spirit of Bloomsbury is known to many people today because of you!
A good blog is lovely, but a happy person, wife and mum is even lovelier.
Writing more than once (or at maximum twice) a week is INSANE. It puts unbearable pressure on the writer and even the keenest reader won't keep up with the output.
Allocate a specific time to your blogging each week, at a time when you need not be doing other important things (like watching your children play netball). It might be every Sunday morning from 7.30-10 AM.
During the week, jot down notes if you think about them, but otherwise don't spend unallocated time on blogging :)
I'm really glad it is March and that you are back. I can see why it takes so many hours because you are basically producing content that it would take an entire creative agency or magazine staff to do. You are very talented!
You wrote so beautifully and honestly about your wormhole, and I recognize the place. We all find ourselves tapped of energy at times for blogging and the fear it is intruding on life itself.Especailly after all the discipline it requires to do for 2 years, think of all that creativity, we are bound and justified to get burnt-out at times (though i find that just means we are stewing on a new way) and when that happens I just blog less or take a few weeks off. Every blogger out there understands that and only suport the blogger. Not only do they support our efforts but our breaks too. Love your new concept.....well done and look forward to more. xo
Welcome back. And if there's a serious blogger out there who doesn't feel burnt out sometimes, I have yet to meet them. Sometimes the most talented feel the most burnt out. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy the videos. Do what you must.
Lovely to see you & can completely relate. After I've kept the link up for the NZ Earthquake Fund for a while I shall be waving goodbye to my blog. My production company has taken off and I'm racing to catch it. xxx
We love what you write whether you write it three times a week, once a week or once a month. So no pressure. That said, I am so glad you are back and look forward to your webisodes.
Lisa, we have all felt the same things. Trying times make us appreciate the good ones all the more. I quit blogging so much and it suits me fine. I love to read about all your travels and your art is so rare and original. Please keep blogging; we'll follow it if you only feel like it once a month.
Love the webisode :) Welcome back!
Welcome back. You were missed, but it's nice to hear that the time off was good.
I'm happy to see your post—and your "confession"! I've found it difficult to settle into a sustainable blogging rhythm, and suffered periods of blog block.
Recently I learned that blogs are not like houseplants—you can neglect one without killing it. Even in your absence, people still find you through search engines, dig through your archives and enjoy the work you've already put in. I find it very heartening.
Lisa!!!! I squealed when I saw you blog pop up on my blog roll today...You were being sorely missed...your beautiful and quirky style that makes you such a unique person...I totally agree with you on blogging sometimes taking one away from the everyday things and pleasures that make up our lives...One post/ video a week is a brilliant idea...if the maiden video is anything to go by...I'm in for a treat!!
I always followed your blog and while you were gone..I started my own blog and that really made me appreciate a lot more the effort a blogger puts into each post!!
Lovely to have you back, Lisa!!
xx meenal
PS- the images in today's post have been taken by a camera or iphone?? please do tell!!
short & sweet ~
we'll take less of you and be greatful, if that means you are enjoying the yeses...
lisa anne
good luck.. and can't wait to follow the new adventure... best wishes
Hi Lisa, great to see you back. Blogging can sometimes take us over, I have had to to take a step back myself and manage the amount of time I spend blogging, so I don't miss out on living life!
Love the webisode, looking forward to the next instalment.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you do next, so glad you are feeling refreshed and have taken time for the real life!
congrats on a new adventure!
happy spring!
I certainly understand your point--it started feeling like a job. Decorno had a similar problem. Still writers write.
I simply LOVE it! ur post and ur video on youtube :) looove it
So glad to see you again. I'm loving The Domestic Explorer already! What an inspired idea!
My dear, your new post is so enlightening! I think that it is terrifying to realise that the way the internet takes over our life. In fact, it owns us! With a click of a mouse, everything can happen. It is so liberating and at the same time, it is so surreal. One of my friends told me that a character in the American television series asked her boyfriend to make love to her in a particular way so that she could go on answering her email. Isn't it crazy? Sofalising and twittering is good on a cold wet rainy day but don't let us forget we live in the concrete world in which things happen slowly. One needs time, a cup of tea and generosity in order to sustain us and our relationships in the concrete world.
I totally get it! My motto is live beautifully everyday and your right, it's impossible if you don't take the time to do it yourself. I truly think you spoke for many of us...sincere admiration and appreciation for your honesty and I loved the video!
We missed you! I'm so happy to hear you are feeling refreshed. Love the video.
Dear Lisa, I just wanted to say I love your blog. I like the way you look at things, how you appreciate the quotidian and make the most out of life. Your writing is always clever and I truly enjoy your posts (though I have yet to read all of them) and was thrilled a number of times to see things we have in common (e.g. Old Britain Castles china, the London teapot, a love for Penguin books and Britain!).
I'm so so glad you're back. That video is wonderful but please, don't ever leave us like that again.
Welcome back! I've missed you! I completely understand your need to re-set your life and so glad for you that you've been able to do it.
Thanks for this post. True honesty is much-appreciated and little seen in the blogsophere. I started a blog a few months ago, and definitely feel the pull to post on a more regular basis, even if I'm not ready or passionate about the post. Trying to do it my own way.
Congratulations on your choice to do the same. www.truthplusblog.com
Thank you so much for returning to your blog. I missed you every day for your inspiring take on life. I agree with everything PVE said and her words were so eloquently expressed that I will just say - ditto!
Welcome back.
Missed you very much.
- Elliot
Welcome back!! I did a happy dance when I saw you back on again!! I will love anything you do. Missed you.
Welcome back!
Quality versus quantity my friend. I'd much rather see a weekly post with your highlights or thoughts of that week, than thinking you're over working yourself for my reading pleasure! Enjoy life, because the content of A Bloomsbury Life is the epitome of life and sensibility but most importantly, it should be a reflection of your life.
Peace and much love and gratitude for your return,
My friend, Carolyn, of Diane James Home sent me your way today. What a gift that was. Finding a balance between blogging and living is can be a challenge. So, I, as so many others, understand your feelings.
Do what you can - when you can - your way. I think your webisodes is a perfect example of making it fun for YOU!
At present, I probably am a little unbalanced in the blogging department, hoping to get ahead of myself one of these days. But, making the connections with others has been the biggest blessing, best surprise of the whole journey.
And, now I've found you! Looking forward to whatever you feed us, whenever it works for you!!!
A new fan,
So happy to see your post. I look forward to seeing your thought provoking and beautiful posts. Can't wait for the new adventure.
I'm so pleased to see you're back! I am only just learning what a consuming activity having a blog can be! But, I shall remember to take some time every now and again... as you did.
I hope you feel happy about blogging again, I look forward to your future posts!
Love the honesty.
Nice to see you back and "Domestic explorer" looks like a weekly treat!
And I hope that less blogging means more embroidery too :)
You're going to write too, if less frequently, aren't you?
Limited interest in videos although I liked yours.
Brilliant intro webisode! I'm very happy you're back as I look forward to your intriguing and beautiful ideas, thoughts, and writing. "What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stop and stare." -Grace
Welcome back.
I was so excited to see that you are posting again, that you have found a balance and will continue to share your lovely insights and wisdom with the world.
I enjoyed the video and look forward to seeing more. I'm glad that you are out of the wormhole and back in the sunshine again.
Thank you dear one for everything.
Welcome back, Lisa - I hope this new year brings you happiness, harmony, and time to smell the roses. I loved your video and can't wait to see what you do next - I'm happy if it is only once a month!
So glad we can still be connected in any artistic expression you choose.
I've been outside, waiting for the lights to go on again, and it's a lovely surprise to find you back this morning. I'm looking forward to Domestic Explorer. Be well.
We are so very happy that you are happy again.
Glad to see you are back. I will look forward to whatever and whenever you decide to post. Most importantly, living in the moment with passion and hanging out with your loved ones is definitely the most important thing in life! Much love to you! xxoo :)
Lisa - that was fabulous! I'm glad you are back. We will be happy to see anything you post and whenever you want to post it.
I know just how you feel. I've been sort of disenchanted and overwhelmed with blogging of late. I think a new direction is in order. Glad to see you are feeling galvanized again. And welcome back!
This looks very interesting and I am most excited for you and especially for us!!!! Welcome Back!
Oh, I missed you!
I am glad to read that you are out of the dip and back to your self!
And I feel you are so right to remember not to let the blog world take over real live. I have felt the same pull and remind myself almost daily not to fall for it!
Glad to hear your voice again, will check out whatever comes from you!
xoxo Victoria
Do you feel missed....I love all these comments!
Dearest Lisa, I have missed you however am so happy you took this time...I may need to at some point. Come back at your pace. I have never posted three times a week....I simply cannot.
I visit as many blogs as possible and have made dear friends, and feel very fortunate.
There is a special Artful Offering on my site!
Art by Karena
So happy you are back! WIll take the stories every MOnday with a spoonful of sugar and some lovely tea, please!
YEAY! I am new to your blog... found it a few weeks ago, and promptly featured your unique and beautiful needlework on my blog.
I understand about the wormhole, having not long ago come out of a rather prolonged episode of depression - something preacher's wives are not supposed to talk about! :-)
Welcome back. Grace, grace. I will enjoy whatever you feel able to share, when you feel able to share it. Lovelove your work.
Was in a shadowy place myself this afternoon: your re-appearance and that cute little webisode cheered me right up! Merci and glad your back.
Welcome back! I love your webisode, and admire you for being true to yourself.
Well done you. :-)
You blog is lovely, and the webisode is beautiful. I really appreciated your post. I think so many of us struggle with pressures to do more...be more. Time passes so quickly. I'm finding myself constantly reminding myself to slow down, and observe what's going on, not necessarily create all the action. It's definitely a balancing act, and your post spoke to me.
Lisa...I'm so happy to see that you're back, you've been very much missed. I don't like the idea of you in a wormhole...the rabbit holes suit you much better. Creative spirits need what they need to do what they do...so you just do what you need whenever you need to, and we'll be here awaiting the glorious journey, domestic and otherwise, that you'll take us on.
Loved your video, I could almost smell the tea and feel the steam rising from the cup!
Big hugs dear...and thank you for reminding me that top Chef is on tonight!
xoxo J~
Welcome back dear Lisa!
Glad you took some time for yourself and I look forward to what you have in store for us all!
LOVE the webisode, and so so happy you're back!
Please tell me you used a few hours of your hiatus to watch Downton Abbey on PBS.
Welcome back Lisa, we missed you!
But it is so true that the little details of everyday life is what make it a special one. Glad that you took one step back and reassesed all that. We only live once :)
Hummm, cannot wait for your weekly features (lovely introductory video, btw!!)
Dear Lisa, you've had the winter blues and blog overload! I'm selfishly pleased that you are back on line because I'm always interested in what you are doing, where you have been and what you are thinking. If you are like me then winter does feel like a time to hibernate, but spring IS coming, (so they tell me!)
Yes, yes, yes to your video link!
Oh, how I have missed your blog. You were one of the first blogs I found a connection with and have had a difficult time finding a replacement while you were away...in fact, I didn't. Your style mixed with your honesty is truly unique. Please don't give up....Marta
Your Vlog is my blog!
PS- I might have to take a breather to! XOXO Suze
Hey friend! Great to see you again!!
Please, do whatcha gotta do--we all support you and love you.
Enjoyed that video--made me want to run from this blasted box and go make tea!
Patience is not one of my better virtues so the wait until March 1 and your return was met with angst back in December with your announced break. It's so nice to have you back: healthy, happy, creative and on your own terms.
I think I can speak for all of your followers and say that we'll take whatever you feel you can offer whenever you feel you can.
You were sorely missed!!!
Oh my goodness, so glad to see you back. I'm with you 100% on the effort required for frequent postings. Your long posts, with so many wonderful images, must have taken so long to assemble and organize.
I am happy, happy to know you're not leaving us, but bringing something new and fresh and wonderful -- as you always do.
I certainly understand! I haven't written on my blog in almost three months. I just needed to regroup and decide how I wanted to move forward. Your words are spoken beautifully- I couldn't agree more.
Yeah! Spring really is on its way. It is March and Lisa is back! I don't know how we slugged through winter without you. I love the idea of one entry per week. Blog readers feel the pressure too! We don't want to miss one entry of our favorite bloggers, but it takes time to read and appreciate your talents. Less time but more quality on the internet. I'm all for it. We really missed you!
Lisa, I've missed you! So glad you're back. I totally get the lack of inspiration and self pressure to write regular blog entries. I am having a you moment now. Maybe you will be inspire me again :)
So glad to see you back.
Take as much time as you need in between posts, otherwise it's just no fine, right?
Will enjoy, I am sure, whatever and whenever you post...your talent is a lovely thing to watch.
Welcome back! Your openness, honesty and thoughtfulness is inspiring. I look forward to ambling down a leafy path, exploring beauty with you wherever you may wish to go.
Like? Try love! Can't wait for more. Welcome back, whatever "back" may be!
Thank you for returning to your faithful and for this heartfelt post. And how gorgeous! I love this new, movie picture, Bloomsbury incarnation.
After a six-month, headlong dive into the world that is now The Nero Chronicles, I too had a sense of blogger burnout, of latent dread of having to spend half the day on the computer creating and the other half dreaming up fresh material.
Daily minutia suddenly became tainted with blogspot potential, I too began to drift away from the present, from the moment, the here, the now and those around me.
It is amazing how quickly things can fall apart -- I stopped exercising, became a Nescafe dependent of epic proportions.
In short, stepping back, cutting down, reevaluating, reemerging.
We all must do it at times. And this is Spring, so let it be the one of our contentment.
So, so looking forward to your posts to come, cheers and best, Alcira
So happy that you are back! I kept checking your blog over the past months just in case you decided to come back a little early. You were missed! xox
I enjoy reading as much or as little as you have to share, Just so glad you're back.
Marla in Columbus, OH
Lovely to hear from you again, Lisa, but I'm glad you realised that happiness and well-being is ALWAYS more important than blogging because you feel you ought to. I'm delighted that you've worked out a balance - and can't wait for webisodes! I would never dare put myself on camera...
Simon x
I discovered your blog while you were away and fell in love with it. It's great to see you back! Don't worry about how many posts you can put up - let it flow, there's no rush, this is not a race. Have fun! :)
Nice to have you back!
So wonderful that you're back from hiatus, and the video is inspired and inspiring! Very much looking forward to what's next!
Hi there I first saw your posts about embroidery and came back often to read further. Looking forward to more.
happy to see you, whenever you turn up. always enriching. to stay true to what you need you to be, that's the thing, isn't it? wherever you are -- i think -- the world must be a brighter place.
the video is charming & just right; to go in a new direction, to stay open...it's what our brains are for, how our hearts are sustained. it's the place where our souls sigh, knowing that shiver of contentment: here is beauty.
xo, vt
So lovely to have you back. Gracious--three times a week is really a heavy obligation. So sensible to cut it back to the point where it's something you look forward to. In a way, you gave us a great gift--who knows what we all will do with the extra time?
Hi Lisa welcome back..here's to blogging on your own terms! You and your lovely blog were missed!
Inspiring and honest post; I'm going to watch the video now! How fun!
Your bareroot confession touched me. I feel cruel for wanting more of your wit, insight, and view! So, for both of us to continue in a healthy symbiosis, I suggest a proactive schedule of breaks, where you can know we all understand and absolutely approve your taking time to recharge. And the minute you begin to wonder if we will approve or like something you are doing, it's time for a break. It is an impossible challenge to be creative on command!
That said, I am delighted you are back, and look forward to your wonderfully romantic expressions about daily life, love, work and play!
Oh Lisa, I am so happy that you are back and you are well. I was worried about you. Welcome back and take care of yourself.
Welcome back! I'v done it this way: If I want to post something I do it, and if I don't have anything to say I skip it. That may result in 3 posts one day and none the next week. But I think that's fine. The blogs are really for ourselves, and when they start becoming a chore, they're the opposite of what they were meant to be in the first place.
Hope you find the joy in it again. And if you don't... Leave it.
Lots of love
My favorite part is your husband asking you to come upstairs and watch "Top Chief"
Give yourself lots of breaks, whatever you give us we will gobble up.
Welcome back to the light.
weclome back, lisa- we missed you, and look forward to your blog's rebirth.
ps- glad you got your life back. it's a crisis we all wrestle with at some point, and you've come to the right conclusion: real life first, always. it's all that matters.
Hooray to you for taking back your life! I have often wondered how bloggers can be as prolific as they are while maintaining the many other aspects in their lives - not that it can't be done. But like you, I would rather slow down and do "less" to essentially do so much more.
I'm just reading your older posts now (May 2011) and wanted to say how much I liked your video and the music too. I admire your new fresh approach to blogging (I feel the same way about it all). It's more important to spend time with your family and friends, in the long run, it's the little things add up to a life well lived. Your videos are a great idea and I look forward to your posts when ever you have extra free time to blog...
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