Today marks the first day of National Breast Awareness Month and with it comes a sobering thought: Every 69 seconds, somewhere in the world a woman dies of breast cancer.

("Jane" by Sir Gerald Festus Kelly, 1924)
Here are a few things to consider today...
Early detection matters.
Getting regular mammograms if you're over 40 and remembering to do your monthly BSE (breast self-exam) can go a long way in taking helping us to take control of this disease one woman at a time.

("Speedy", Rudolf Schlichter, 1923)
Living right matters.
1. Decrease your daily fat intake.
2. Increase fiber in your diet.
3. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables.
4. Limit alcohol.
5. Stay active.
6. Don't smoke.

(The Duchess of Devonshire, 1990's, by Christopher Simon Sykes)
Getting involved matters.
There are so many ways to participate. You can sign up for an event to benefit the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure (and get in shape in the process), you can help raise awareness among loved ones and those in your community, you can even become an activist and help others achieve important legislative goals.

("Damenknelpe Ladies Dive", Rudolf Schlichter,1923)
This is a lovely post -- just look at that Duchess go --and such an important issue.
Thanks for encouraging all of us to think pink.
Beautifully done, no surprise - thank you, thank you.
I wish every woman could see this post! Beautiful.
I always am tickled pink with the way you capture and deliver a message. I sit up a bit taller and am so proud I am a girl. Let's hear it for the ta ta's!
My mammogram is next week! So important.
A most lovely posting to remind us all. I love it!
I too am posting pink today!
Art by Karena
Your images are always so fabulous, and so are you! Thanks my dear.:)
Just lovely - I shall think pink today, wear pink today and be glad for all who found the dreaded C with early detection. And my thoughts will go to those who weren't able to defeat this horrific disease.
October is a double-edged sword - the good news is I remember how important all this is.....the bad news is - I remember. But I survived. Thank you.
I'm a survivor too. Thanks for posting this.
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