(All photos via Nathan Turner's website)
It's no secret that Nathan Turner is one of my favorite Los Angeles designers. His elegant, relaxed interiors are always the perfect mix of bohemian elegance and laidback glamour, rich with color and texture and antiques that beg for the story behind them.

It's an art, this seemingly effortless ability to put a room together (as all of us know who have attempted the task). Like many of you, I always find myself poring over the various ingredients of rooms I like in magazines, trying to figure out how I can recreate the same feeling for my own home.

A great room is more than stylish, it's generous: it welcomes you, urges you to get comfortable and sprinkles a little of its stardust on you. It makes everyone wittier and prettier. It doesn't intimidate or overwhelm. It sets the stage so that its inhabitants can shine.
Imagine my delight then when his office emailed me the other day to tell me that Nathan will be giving a special decorating class this Sunday, September 12th at 10am at the Pottery Barn in South Coast Plaza. (Call 714-966-2482 for full details.) It's called "Living Room Makeover: Designer Tips and Tricks" and people, it's free. He's also going to answer questions so bring your design quandaries.

I've been lucky enough to meet Nathan a few times and he is just as lovely and charming as you think he would be. I say we all meet there and learn how to create the room of our dreams, don't you?
Dear Lisa, The examples you show of Nathan Turner's interiors are indeed simply elegant, and, as you say, they appear to be effortlessly assembled. Simplicity is, in my view, always deceptively difficult but, then for me, more is good but even more is better still. I am sure that your own drawing room is equally beautiful to any one of Nathan's creations.
On a recent outing to the apple shop to save some lost files, the kind clerk helping me showed me how to create files, like a designer creates a room and a place for each item. That is the secret to what a successful designer does is to create rooms with spaces for things with style.
Nathan looks so kind!
Love him as well. I'm sure he'll have some great suggestions at the little 'lesson'. Wish I could be there!
I love the old maps in the first photo.
Oh how I'd love to meet you there! If only...
I checked out the rest of his work on his site. The Hollywood Hills home? TO. DIE. FOR. That picture filled spiral staircase sends shivers up my spine. I want!
I love the maps! Talneted desiger.
Have a nice weekend.
This is so well stated and is exactly what I think the interiors of your home reflect.
I remember the first time I saw your foyer...I was so impressed by the inspiration and execution! It's definately a favorite image for me.
Thanks for sharing the wonderful work by Nathan Turner and enjoy the seminar!
I would love to attend. It is all in the details and the editing, knwing where to stop, I have yet to accomplish that!
I have a New Giveaway from the French Basketeer that I think you will love!
Art by Karena
Hello Lisa
Would dearly love to attend and it would be so much fun. Regret I am presently out of the country. I will look forward to reading your account.
Best wishes to you and Nathan
Lucky you to be so close. I am afraid N.C. is a bit too far! I will count on you to share his wisdom.
Nathan Turner's interiors have the look I love. A room that has been professionally designed, but/especially still has the look of a home well loved and used, filled with collected objects rather than all bought the same day. A nice change from a lot of copycat design in magazines that all look like they are meant for show and no living.
I agree with "Kat" above.
His rooms look so welcoming and pulled together in such a way that says "I'd like to know this person"
Now that I've seen what HE looks like, I feel that way even more!
Nate Berkus who?! :)
I'm only sorry I live too far away to attend his class.
Oh how I wish I could jet over! Have a wonderful day full of goodness and learning and from Nathan!
Oh how I wish I could jet over! Have a wonderful day full of goodness and learning and from Nathan!
I have never come across this designer before but I am so impressed by the few pictures here - especially the last one with him in it - the background really reminds me of Charleston.
Bon weekend,
Love the unexpected pops of color!
Hope you had fun and got plenty of inspiration!!!
love the blog.
i also love his interiors, they seem like a place that you could call home. comfortable and stunning!
Love those maps in the first photo. Wish I could be there to attend his class!
ooh, I wish I could meet you there, darling Lisa. Hope you are well!
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