I am waiting for my breakfast and then to be driven to adventure camp...

...and I am waiting to be let outside so I can go lizard-hunting and bring back a trophy tail...
...and I am waiting to have my flowers gently collected and dried and made into lavender sachets (as you keep promising to do)...

...and I am waiting to be recovered in something fabulous and slightly unexpected...

...and I am waiting to be used in a way that enhances my flavor profile...
...and I am waiting to be devoured...
...oh and please please so are we...

...and I am waiting to be rehung so that I can gaze upon a more scenic vista...
...and I am waiting to be listened to...remember how happy I make you?
(Charlotte Gainsbourg CD, available HERE)
...and I am waiting patiently to support your future endeavors...

...and I am waiting to be noticed, right now, right this minute, in my very last explosion of beauty (when I'm gone, remember that I lived fully and fearlessly, won't you?)...
...and I am waiting to be tucked in because I have camp tomorrow.
What is waiting for you today?
I love Charlotte G too, have you seen her live?
Lisa, darling-
A fantastically sweet reminder.
jakubowski: No, have not seen her live. Have you? Tell me when and where -- I want details. xx
Scott Fazzini: So glad to see you back on these thar airwaves! And love, LOVE the new profile photo.
A long and gloious list of 'to-do' projects while your camper is away having the adventures of a lifetime! Don't you just love these days? Thank you for the information about the Oxford chair...my you are a lucky lady! I bet they would make quite a statement in a diningroom! On another note- the chair in this post is fabulous-please show us when you decide what to do with that gem!
Lisa, as they say seize the day and I will!! Lovely thoughts!!
Art by Karena
I love this post! Great pictures! Lovely things to do! I love your son at the table, too cute!
Blackberries are waiting to be made into a pie.
Edward is waiting for this dreadful heat to dissipate.
I am waiting for a matinee of the new movie, Ondine.
About a selkie. And I love selkies.
Really wonderful posting Lisa and great camera work!
I love your kitchen-table chairs. Will you tell me where you got them? Or anything about them that might help me find something similar? Thank you! I love your blog. Elizabeth
I wanted so say that I am eternally waiting for Fall. But for the first time in a long time I am not waiting for anything, I am happily enjoying the moment.
Needlepoint canvases are waiting for painting (but the pup got a walk); the cupboards are waiting for cleaning (but we went to the lake); and I've hardly written a word all summer - that needs some attention. But, I keep coming here to be delighted and am never disappointed.
Your post was waiting for me today and it did not disappoint!
Wonderful images and thoughts...kitty, the gorgeous flowers and the last one were so delightful! And I must find the book about artists homes...
Actually...I'm getting ready to go to camp too, five of them to be exact! I put on summer art camps for kids and have many, many projects awaiting my attention...jungle themed!
So at the moment, Henri Rousseau is calling to me...waiting to explore turn of the century flora and fauna with sharpie's, scissors and glue sticks!
Hope the little prince is enjoying his camp and best with all of your lovely "awaits"! xo
Your boys are adorable!! Nothing as nice is waiting for me...mainly laundry!
Wonderful post, I like how you tied everything together. Very thoughtful.
Wow....did Rembrandt's spirit visit your house and arrange that still life for you?
You know the one.
Lisa this is a lovely post, your boy looks like an angel!
Thanks for this post - I really needed it today! Also, your photographs are gorgeous! I wish I could figure out how to make mine look like that instead of all grainy!
You have so many good things waiting for you on this magnificent Monday, I can hardly wait to see what awaits you tommorow on a terrific Tuesday.
Good Lawd! That peony photo was a Flemish masterpiece in a former life!
What a perfect post. Beautiful, and also what it's like to be a mother and runner of a household and an artist all at the same time. The call of tasks and people and one's desire to make things. Thank you.
simply beautiful
So sweet!
My youngest son is waiting for his first camp day tomorrow, the suitcases are waiting to be packed, my dog is waiting for the rain to end, so he gets his outdoor time, my roses are waiting to be pruned, I am waiting to see my oldest two sons and embrace them, we all are waiting impatiently for our vacation to begin...
Such a lovely post!
oh my what a thought provoking post. man there are so many things waiting on me, i wonder that they don't give up!
What a gloriously poetic post today, although most days your language borders so often between the lines of poetry and conversation and prose, I feel as though I always get my literary fix from your blog (if I haven't flipped through a book).
IRM is a Spring favorite, good for long drives down the California coast...
the song "La Collectionneuse" is haunting, don't you think? When she begins with "I collect many things..." it's wonderful.
Thank you for today, Megan.
Bumped into TF who bought your apt and told her about your blog and needlepoint of the LR. she was very cool. I think she is moving. Just a FYI. Love Suze
Hope he had a better day than my son who came home and said BORING! OY BTW Your son is more than cute!
A friend of mine sent me that Charlotte Gainsbourg CD before it was out in the states -- and I love it. Right now, chocolate chip cookies with sea salt are waiting to be taken out of the oven. And my daughter is waiting for me to come watch The Last Station with her.
Your post made me smile this morning..even before I'd had coffee!
Good job!
I am waiting for your next post and thanks for making this rainy monday more cheerful.
i am waiting for you to write more!
love this post, this blog. but what i am truly waiting for is my beautiful husband's return from kuwait. it's been 6 months and now i only have 8 more days to go!
Oh I so wish my list "in waiting" was as short or as cute! I am love with that last photo of Luca!!! I hope you blow it up and frame it!
- stacked stone walls to be unstacked and moved more artistically.
- the latest House Beautiful
- the end of Philipa Gregory's White Queen
- laundry
- and the cocktail hour this evening (in about an hour).
{{{LOVED}}}} your thoughts AND photos!
Went to Charlotte G show this past spring. Smallish venue here in Philadelphia. It must have been the week before the CD was out. She was fairly quiet, appropriately chatty: but not too much... her backup band was A+, the whole show was over way fairly quickly but was very satisfying... seems like her USA dates all over and the rest of the europe and uk dates are mostly festivals and certainly would be very different experiences... Not sure she is likely to tour w/out a record to promote?? (not sure the economics of the music business still work that way.)
- Curry to be made
- Dishwasher to be stacked
- Washing to be done
- Weekend outfits to be planned
- Job applications to be made
- Cats to be hugged
- Husband to be snuggled
The compost area is waiting to be moved & the conservatory to be built.
Oooooooh anticipation.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Delightful. I love how you weave images and words together.
What a delicious post. It is a wonderful reminder that others have a list of creative endeavors waiting patiently. Instead of feeling guilty today, I am going to view them all differently...asking to be noticed. Thanks for the reminder.
Hi Lisa- I love love your blog. So beautiful and inspiring. And am seriously in love with your dining/ kitchen(?) chairs. Please can you tell me where to find them? xo,jools
The leather-strapped kitchen chairs were purchased at Shelter Furniture in LA. I think you could probably still get them on online:
If they're not shown on the website, email them a photo of mine and I'm sure they could make them for you.
Good luck!
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