Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Bloomsbury Life Hits Martha Stewart

Remember back in February when I went to New York?
(All photos by LBG.)

And I had a meeting with Jenny Comita, the deputy editor at Martha Stewart about writing an article for them?

Well, it's here! (July issue.)

I wrote it for all of us. 
Let me know what you think.


P.S. And Jenny -- thank you so much for your wise and warm stewardship. Working with you was a joy.


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Cannot wait to read it. I know it will be scathingly brilliant! So very proud of you, my dear.

Angeli said...

Can't wait to read, wonderful to share the world with your delightful view on design.



Lisa Borgnes Giramonti said...

Pamela Terry and Edward, and Angeli:

Thank you so much! xxx

ArchitectDesign™ said...

so exciting, congrats!

Terra said...

I like the theme of your article and will buy a copy of the mag to read it instead of using the link you provide.

24 Corners said...

Oh arrived!! This is such a well deserved honor to your unique art and special, thoughtful writings Lisa...Brava!!! I'm still smiling from reading it, and from happiness for you!

The Bloomsbury troupe would be very proud indeed!
xo J~

Lisa said...

I got my issue a few days ago. I felt like bragging about the essay by this woman I know... then I remembered I don't really know you except from your blog!


Lisa in Vermont

Sandy said...

I just read your article and loved it so I came here to find you. I'm so glad I did.

Jessica Thor-Miller said...

I will not be satisfied until you write a book! Kidding (somewhat)....Congrats! I can't wait to read it.


noreen said...

i look forward to reading it. exactly my thoughts. as photographers, we focus on the children, yet the older folks are just as beautiful in their way. thank you!

Lily said...

Bravo for the Belle of Bloomsbury!
And now, a book please...

debbie bailey said...

You lucky girl! You must be jumping for joy. I know I would be! Frame it and hang it for all to see. And you are so right about your subject. As an aging woman myself, I get so sick of hearing the world disdain getting older. I, for one, am celebrating it and hopefully changing a few minds along the way.

BTW, I love your blog and get so excited when you have a new post. Love!

Unknown said...

Hi, dear!
I found your blog very intresting! A lot of inspiration for myself!!!

I would like to keep in touch with you. Would you like to follow each others blog on GFC and Bloglovin?

Lots of love,

scottage said...

Lisa - your essay was so profound, so beautiful, so touching. I have shared it with everyone I know. I was born to an older mother and have been around older women all my life and so appreciate their beauty and love that you see that as well. Great blog - much success. Michele

Anonymous said...

Getting the magazine today and such a brilliant topic.

Nadia said...

Congrats on the article! I'll definitely getting my hands on the mag to read it. I just have to say that I'm so glad I found your blog a while back, because it has been such a treat to read. I love it! Thanks so much!

Traveling Mirror said...

Thank-you for a great essay. I have been feeling my age and this perked me up a lot. I blog too but not as fancy!

jean goddard said...

Lovely article. Thank-you! I just turned 60 and couldn't agree more.

The Silver Bunny said...

We don't have "Living" here but congratulations anyway !

Unknown said...

Ah, how wonderful! Congrats! And what a beautiful subject----like growing old gracefully and all the things we've forgotten to appreciate. So glad you wrote it. Warmest wishes to you!

Mandaladreamer said...

Thanks for the heads-up! I'll certainly take a look when I go to work in the library this afternoon...

Helen James said...

congratulations lisa will look out for it on the Irish newstands x

Anonymous said...

Did you open with "It's a truth universally acknowledged..." oh my! how amazing! :D

Congratulations I look forward to reading the entire thing!

Pamela Holderman said...

Your article brought a huge grin to my patinaed face. Please write more... Your insights are a much needed tonic for those of us who are aging, and I guess that would be all of us. I look forward to following your blog.

Slim Paley said...

Great article Lisa, and so true.


WendyMcLeodMacKnight said...

SO excited when I got my issue on weds and unbeknownst to me, my favourite blogger was the final essay! Well done and well written - Lisa and s'mores - what could be a better issue?

helen tilston said...

Hello Lisa

What an honour and may I add, very well deserved. I shall head to the bookstore and find my copy. As Lisa in Vermont said, I feel like showing it to all my friends and telling them about my friend Lisa from a Bloomsbury Life. Then to remember we have never met but your work has brought you close to my heart

Helen xx

quintessence said...

Can't wait to read it - great title and subject matter - congrats!!

Anonymous said...


JudyMac said...

Your Martha Stewart debut is absolutely perfect! To the point and right on! You go girl!

Susan S said...

Dear Lisa,
It had to be so hard to "sit" on this one! Congratulations! It's sure to be insightful. Will be sure to get my hands on it.

Reggie Darling said...

Must run out and purchase a copy so I can read this, as my subscription has lapsed! Congrats Lisa!!! Reggie

shiree segerstrom said...

What fun, so looking forward to it. Shiree'

kim at northerncalstyle. said...

I got my copy in the mail the other day and read it cover-to cover as usual and it was a treat to find your article at the back. I really loved it and made me think totally differently about my face and aging. Thanks for a lovely new perspective. We just need to all think this way and stop the madness of injecting our faces with freezing junk.

You are a breath of fresh air and in L.A. no less!

Angie Muresan said...

That is beyond awesome, Lisa! I will head to the store to get my copy tomorrow.

The Buzz Blog @ Diane James Home said...

Yeah, Lisa! I can't wait to pick up an issue and read your wise words - something to look forward to this weekend. XO, Cynthia

sushisistah said...

I had to write and say to you, "wonderful wonderful!".

home before dark said...

Hope you can hear the clapping hands all the way from the midwest! And I second what Lily said about a book.

Caryl said...


I wanted to wait until I read your essay to comment.
I loved it. ("Beauty is a battered leather footstool . . ."
I posted the cover of the July issue and a link to this post
on our site I know
our followers will love the piece as much as I did.



Barb said...

The piece is lovely. Just read it today. We, indeed, should value our patina and each wrinkle! Glad to read another seasoned voice. Clap, clap, clap!

*Chic Provence* said...

Congratulations Lisa! I will go get the issue and devour your article!



Sunday Taylor said...

Lisa, how exciting! Congratulations! I read it and loved it. It is so true and so well written.
xx Sunday

Unknown said...

Lisa, your article was uplifting and insightful. Society seems to recognize physical beauty and overlook the qualities of wisdom, knowledge and experience. Appearances are fleeting but a strong character is a value beyond measure. Thanks for your thoughts and words.


Miriana said...

Hi Lisa,

congratulations! I'd love to read your article - do you know if the magazine is available internationally?


Donna Benedetto said...

This was a fabulous article and something to truly reflect on.
Years ago our ancesters never thought about their looks. But our society has totally changed that. I like your comparison to the antiques we love with all of their scuffs and age in relation to ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I have been successful in so many aspects of life and have accomplished much. I know that I could do so much more if I want to, but for the most part I find myself thinking ‘I don’t want to”.

I put it down to thoroughly enjoying the journey of life, and not fixating on one destination. I want to (and have) experienced so much that I resist pursuing one goal with any passion or enthusiasm. Living MY life is my passion, and perhaps that is where I am most successful.

Thanks for getting me thinking on this, and Many thanks for bringing up the topic.

Lynn said...

I just read your article and thank you so very much for writing it! I'm 51 and haven't allowed anything, besides some good moisturizer and sunscreen, on my face and body, even though the 'norm' now is the contrary. Your article will be widely read and I hope that other women reading it will realize that there is immense beauty and character in our aging faces and hopefully want to leave them alone! XO

H. Gillham said...

I loved it -- I read it there, and now I am visiting your blog.

Congratulations -- for your article published in Living and for a new reader.


Unknown said...

I still buy Martha Stewart...after 7 years of living in Ireland. This month I read your brilliant piece, and shared it with everyone I know. Even with food styling and photography, I am always on the lookout for anything beautifully vintage...can't say it enough, you've made such a good point Lisa! All best, Imen


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