Thursday, January 26, 2012

Word Up

Pamela Fugate is a woman after my own heart.

Available HERE.
I Like Big Books And I Cannot Lie - Custom 100% Cotton Canvas Tote Bag - FREE SHIPPING


  1. HA! Brilliant. I love a clever I have that song stuck in my head.

  2. So, so funny!!!!!! Does it come with a mini jam box blaring the song's tune?

  3. Love, love, love it!!! Made me chuckle. I'm getting me one of them thangs.

  4. Oh, this is great! I have another version of a bookbag with the same quote pinned, but this one is much better looking.

  5. i was at a bookstore and saw jasper fforde's "lost in a good book". that's me! i bought it and loved it. so this bag is perfect. thanks for sharing.

  6. Love this. I featured a similar version on my blog. Funny and utilitarian - what could be better?

  7. hahaha! That is flippin' awesome! I will loudly proclaim that I too like big books!


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