Today feels like my birthday, July 4th and New Year's Eve, all rolled into one.
Because at exactly 9am this morning, 4th grade began.

(Between you and me, the kid is still in shock. "But it's August," he kept saying in the car.)
And how do I feel?
Oh, you know.
There were a couple moments of "Wow, wasn't he just in kindergarten...?" and "They grow up so fast..." Sniffly-sniff.

(First edition, Mercantile Library Collection, Cincinnati. May 2011.)
But that quickly gave way to exhilaration.

(Backstage at the Go Go's. 8/17/11, Hollywood.)
And the desire to throw one of these.

(My bookshelf, 2011.)
I have so many plans for Fall 2011, you see.
(I had them for Summer 2011 too, but I'm not quite sure what happened. Oh yeah. I forgot.)
Strange arcane esoteric things, like:
1. Exercising.
(Visualizing your way to a better body does not work. I have tried.)
2. Eating right.
(This will involve moving my favorite new cookbooks (HERE, HERE and HERE) from the night table by my bed down to the know, so I can actually cook from them.)
3. Regaining control of the closets in my house.
(They're starting to look like a horror scene from a Guillermo del Toro movie.)

(Did you ever see the original? It still haunts me.)
4. Turning -- even just a few -- of the theoretical projects in my head into reality.
(See below.)
My scarf idea for Winter 2010...

...sadly, still theoretical.

Also still theoretical.

5. And a million other mundane things that I couldn't possibly bore you with here.
Blah-bitty blah blah.)
In an effort to harness the power within and jumpstart my way to a more empowered 4G version of myself, I'm attending the premiere of this movie tomorrow night (because when I practice yoga, I really do become my best self).

(Information HERE.)
Quick now.
What are your top goals for fall?
Should we pledge to accomplishing them together?
I'm in if you are.
(Me in India, 2007.)
What is it about the dawning of autumn? I want to run out and load up my arms with school supplies and sharpen all my pencils to a fine point. The light has changed and I feel anything is possible.
Yoga? Yes.
Finish my book? Yes
Buy new riding boots, never minding the fact that I no longer ride? You betcha.
I also want to plant eggplant - or aubergine...much prettier name - just because the colour is so scrumptious.
And do a Halloween flower garden with purple cabbages, black pansies and orange pumpkins!
Love, Love, Love this time of year!
Oh, yes, LET'S!!! Plans are good, and a comrade in anything is better. Good luck!
Lisa my very favorite time of the year, autumn!! Love to read, get cozier in decor, more velvet and faux fur throws. Crisp weather and apples, more walks along the Tomahawk Creek Trail.
Come and join my new fashion Giveaway from Fresh Produce!
Art by Karena
Count me in. Yes to new projects being finished and old ones being finished. Yes to a new year with two less in our home. Two off to University.
Yes to more books, more cooking in my new kitchen, more art in my new studio, and more. Just yes to more,
more life.
more boots
more sweaters
more jumpers
more books
more brushes
more orange.
I've always felt that John Lennon was correct when he spoke of life and plans. I'm aiming for broad goals over specific tasks, like producing more writing and wearing decent shoes. Happenstance will probably take care of the rest
For me, Fall is the time for new beginnings in school. To do better, push myself harder, and make new friends, and this year will be my first time ever living in a dorm, and I am absolutely excited!!
Besides that I just love the whole feel of fall. The crisp air, the leaves turning such beautiful colors, new seasonal fruits and veggies to eat!
ahh, c'est magnifique!
Nathanial Hawthorne wrote: "I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house." --Like a bitter arctic storm, the sweltering Oklahoma summer has forced us indoors (we are currently day 65 of over 100 degree temps.) And I, for one, intend on heeding Hawthorne's articulation and getting myself out of the house. This is my one and only goal for Autumn -- to enjoy it before the harsh Oklahoma winter sets in.
I want to start meditating more. I've tried over the past two years, but tend to be inconsistent. I know I'm not getting the full benefit this way!
I've been vegan for almost a year (LUV!) but I need to beef up (pun intended) my soup recipe repertoire for fall. Who doesn't love a good bowl of soup?
Autumn is also my favorite time of year. Can't wait to get out my boots!!!
My two started 2nd grade last week. Oh my, I feel so free! I accomplish so much in each day. I look at the clock and think "Wow, it's not even noon, and look at all I've done." I just took on my fall (and spring) project by agreeing to chair the school gala/auction this year. A little exercise, eating better, and a few side projects are going to have to make it onto my list, too.
I'm loving the penguin scarf idea.
I just hope to finish the sweater I started three years ago and still think it could be a winner if I ever got my butt in gear.
Black Pansies and purple cabbages.
I am the Walrus.....etc.
I've always dislike New Year's resolution (so many made, so few followed-through) and love the idea of turning over a new leaf in September! I'm with you on the excise / eat more healthy (your cookbook recommendations are great) / decluttering front (I have to get my husband to understand that the dining room is not his office!). I also resolve to continue reading really good (and well written) books!
Turn over a new leaf.
Literally & figuratively.
Rust-orange-mossy greens, please.
Walks in the brisk environs.
How I ADORE autumn!
So...most amazing scarf EVER. I want one (or five). Can you buy them anywhere? I don't knit.
Goals for fall: read and write more.
And please don't forget your lovely little book-themed-room Inn that you're going to open that sells your scarves and that amazing Howard's End sweater which I think Anthro would glady sell as well.
My summer goal was organizing and cleaning my art studio/office which has somehow sprung up more paper than one can ever hope to control...but maybe the crisp fall air will assist me in this...then there's both the eat better & excercise more duo as well which is continually on going (oxymoron?), and I don't see how baking more in the fall is going to help with that one.
Happy back to school to Luca...and how cool is it that you were backstage at the Go-Go's 30th, very cool!
xo J~
Fall is certainly a time for new beginnings, and your list is full of great ideas! We also have it on our list to throw a fall cocktail party along with endless other projects. So here's to checking off the list.
xo E + J
I too am haunted by the movie "Don't be afraid of the dark". I am convinced that those bad little buggers lurk in the shadows. It didn't help matters that (shortly after viewing the film together)my college roommate crawled under my narrow dorm bed, waited there until I had just drifted off to sleep one night and then flung her arms up around me. I started growing LOTS of white hairs after that!
Good another post :)
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