If you are in the moment, you are in the infinite.

(View from the top of Potala Palace, Llhasa, Tibet,
former home of the Dalai Llama. Photo taken April 2007.)
I'm feeling the need for a bit of time away from the computer to recharge, revitalize and reinvigorate my body and soul. A seven day fast from technology, so to speak. I've decided to combine this with an annual spring cleaning, courtesy of Alejandro Junger's "Clean" regime -- no caffeine, red meat, dairy, sugar, processed foods, wheat, gluten or soy. Some old habits need to be broken and new ones set in place.
I will make the most of the time I am gone and return next Monday eager to share, listen and catch up with everyone.
Completely understand though you will be missed. Can't wait for a recharged, invigorated LBG.
I am feeling the need to do the same and excuse myself for a zen time out. Thanks for the cue.
Love that you're doing this. Good for you.
Miss W
I am doing some spring simplifying too, but your diet sounds not for me. It may be perfect for you :)
I'm with you. Take the rest. I just found your blog, but I will be back. enjoy!
Darling, just drink a lot. Seriously, look forward to your return!
xo Bart
Lisa -
Please also break and reset some habits for me, being I am currently feeling too overwhelmed to do much for myself!!
be a zen elf
ps - actually proud of you for recognizing the need and then carrying out the cleanse and reset!!
will not regret
I applaud your resolve. I hadn't heard of the Clean program but am intrigued...please do let us know how it works.
You are tough as nails. Good luck.
That sounds a bit headachy, but no gain without pain I know. I might just make some bunting and see if that has similar beneficial effects.
Enjoy your break, I can't wait to hear about it.
A time out can work wonders- I recently took one and felt new energy upon my return. Enjoy your time.
Have a great time. xx
hope the break is all of what you need!
I need to do something similar. Gorgeous picture.
Happy 'zenning' Lisa...enjoy!!!
A well deserved break our dear friend.
Enjoy every moment and we will be thinking of you and wishing you success
Well my dear, I can see why you selected this regime - I too would prefer any that did not exclude alcohol!
Will look forward to your return, meanwhile, happy tippling.
I applaud you for all of it and no doubt it will inspire many others to take stock. Truly resting and restoring mind and body is something I think most of us fail miserably in our tech saturated and over scheduled days.
Rest & recharge!
Mu timing is a little out, I have just come across your blog, it's fabulous ! Take a good rest & look forward to catching up with your next post xx
I am so glad you are taking a little break even though we will miss you here in our virtual neighborhood. Peace to you.
My dears, my thoughts are with you. I hope that you have found a relaxing solitary period away from the internet. While the internet and its community (Facebook, Blogs) are good to interact with every now and then, it's important to take some time out to connect with people in one's immediate surrounding, and above all, to nourish one's soul with silence and meditation. Pardon me for the Buddhist talking!
Go for it! Enjoy the habit building! Miss you already!
I went on one of those a while back. Very good for the spirit. best of luck.
You just gave me the best idea! Try the same. Hugs and read you soon. xo
Dearest L,
I am so so envious of your ability to cleanse. I so terribly need to do the same thing. But giving up caffeine? Oy, pains me to think about it.
I thought about you because I posted a few pics of my embroidery-inspired tent on my blog. You, of course, because you are the only other girl I know who loves embroidery as much as I do.
How wonderful to be so committed!
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