Thursday, April 15, 2010

One Thing Leads To Another

There he is, that wild and crazy bohemian, the one and only Augustus John (1878-1961). Painter, gypsy and virtual force of nature, he consumed wine, women and life in equal quantities. He sits here more demurely than I've ever seen him looking (probably because at 22, he was just beginning to dip his toe into the tidepool of decadence), but that rapacious gaze riveted on the viewer gives the game away.

I'm not unmoved.

In fact, I'd be more than happy to give him exactly what he needs.
(Augustus John by William Orpen, 1899)

A wall-mounted coat and hat rack, of course.
(Coat hanger by Authentic Models via here)

He must be getting overheated sitting there in that wool overcoat and the hat needs a better resting place. (What? Did your minds go into the gutter? Pull them out at once.) I love the dark blue, the vintage-inspired brass details and that unexpected bold red shelf. It feels like a piece you'd find in the back hall of a centuries-old European bistro. Or maybe bolted to the wall of a first-class carriage on the Orient Express headed to Vienna. Or in the cloak room of a very exclusive boarding school in the remotest wilds of Inverness. Or...or...or...make up your own story.

Me wanty.


  1. Me read more.Lovely post and I have added you to my follow list. Delightful blog!

  2. Giggling, love your description of this colorful fellow and what you've chosen for him. Perfect my dear!

  3. Guilty, my mind went immediately in the gutter...

    "But your a married woman!" was my first thought.

  4. 'Very funny!', he says while fanning away the blush to his face.

  5. I admit my mind went right for the gutter... After all of the wine, women and a life full of temptation and decadence he must be looking for a soft place to fall...or at least this fabulous rack in which to hang his hat.

  6. Rapacious is the perfect word for his gaze. What a rascal and a great pic!
    Lila Ferraro
    Queen Bedroom Sets

  7. you are worthy of rereading!
    and rereading.
    the coat rack?
    behind the door in the public house above the public telephone. summerisle, scotland


  8. Lovely post and fantastic blog! Hope you have a wonderful weekend up ahead!

  9. Always been fascinated by his sister, whose self-portrait at the Tate leaves you with the exact opposite feeling

  10. you are so right anon #2
    i went to
    and found gwen john and her self portrait... i love this site ABL.
    it encourages research and return visits. and your readers aren't too shabby either. thanks anon2 for the tate referral. lisaanne

  11. Forgive me father for I have a dirty mind (apparently). Me wanty, too (the coat hanger - what did you think?) I love your writing.

  12. he waited patiently for the knock. Feeling flushed as he anticipated seeing the eyes of want, he had imagined that they would explore one another and together they would step out for some air,into the blast of wintry wind in search of some warm victuals and drink.
    Alas, he waited for the knock.

  13. Why do we call where all life begins in "the gutter?" Just a thought. Since I took over my hall coat closet for a pantry, I could use the coat rack. The user of women not so much.

  14. I do love Augustus Johns. And his sister Gwen is another great character. I am surprised that he has never been the subject of a bio-pic! What a great role.

  15. Lisa...

    You had me wondering for a moment there! I look at pictures of men of ol' and with the possibility of them not having proper washing facilities, I cannot help but think...

    they probably did stink

  16. I seem to remember reading in Calin Thomas’s (Dillon’s wife)
    autobiography that Augustus John raped her when she modeled for him….

  17. Made me laugh! I though you were going to say "A swift kick in the rear".

  18. I love your posts Lisa!! Wicked sense of humor!!

    Art by Karena

  19. He was quite the free-thinker; imagine living 'gypsy" fashion traveling with your spouse, your mistress and your children from both? He had to have been quite the charmer. Either that or had a lot to hide under that hat (oops..gutter again!)

    I am thrilled to add A Bloomsbury Life to my blog sidebar!

  20. Oh, this guy is not my type exactly...but I can see how he might have had a following...I had to laugh, when I saw what you were ready to give him...
    Great rack!!!

    PS: Is your mind wandering now?

  21. I've always had a great vision of Gus and Gwen as children, running pretty much wild and driving the adults to distraction. And you know, as adults themselves, they didn't really change all that much, did they?

  22. yeah I'd be happy to give him what he needed more than wanted. A good kick in the arse on the way out the door. I think he and his sister went around creating chaos.

  23. Awwww- My mind went right there...

  24. I love your blog. This post was delightful.

  25. Gigibird is the only thinking person here.

    Caitlin MacNamara Thomas was handed over to Augustus John by her own father, when she was a very young teenager. He may have been a creative, artistic, musical King of Bohemia, but what was he thinking? That sleeping with teenagers was the entitlement of a genius?

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