Monday, November 23, 2009

And Now A Brief Pause...

(via here)

My computer behaved very badly over the weekend. Very badly. There I was on Saturday morning, composing a lovely post for today and with zero warning, it flatlined. As I type this (on a borrowed computer), it's undergoing diagnostic surgery. So cross your fingers for me and I'll be back as soon as I can. And if I don't return before Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving and good luck with the computer rehab program.

  2. It must be Karma...or Bhudda sending a sign to take a break! I need a sign like that.... he he.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. thanks for that delightful image.

  4. A very Happy Thanksgiving Lisa. I am particularly thankfull for your beautiful blog which brings joy to my day. May the angels bless your computer

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Hope the problem gets fixed quick.

  6. Unfortunately, the news today was not good. The hard drive is totally corrupted (how? why? and why now?) and it's going to "second tier" Mac specialist tomorrow. I'm so sad...all my photos...all my writing...

  7. How annoying of your computer! Fingers crossed it will be all right.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  8. My dear, I'm so sorry to hear that. The computers are not as reliable as paper and pen. I have lost my works before. It really taught me to have back-up. Hope it will be fixed and that all your works on the hard drive are recovered. It's not the end of the world.

  9. Hoping your computer makes it through surgery ok!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. naughty computers!! They all have there off days. Happy Thanksgiving

  11. Loosing all the pictures
    which you just commented a short time ago
    So sorry for you!
    But hopefully they will be suface again.
    Than burn discs, copy them on second computer

  12. Such heartbreaking news. We've become so reliant on technology, sometimes it's difficult to accept its fallibility. I hope you're able to recover your files!

  13. I find that talking to my mac keeps him happy and out of mischief
    My sympathy for your lost drive - perhaps it is only the file table that is corrupted and the files can be recovered?

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