Thursday, February 26, 2009

Q&A with "A Bloomsbury Life"

Thank you to Robert for the lovely profile he's posted on his blog, Mr. Peacock. I have huge admiration for his work and am truly honored to be a "Lady with Panache."


  1. Loved the Mr. Peacock piece on you - you truly are a "Lady with Panache!!"

  2. Wonderful profile Lisa. I am with you on Lapo Elkann!

  3. See now I know we are sisters. I grew up with Pippi Longstocking too. I was convinced she lived along the street from me. Such a lovely peak into your life. xox

  4. Lisa, Lisa, inspire me, you inspire me...can't tell you enough what a beautiful personality / life you have. I am truly grateful for all that you share with us here
    xx, from C.T. (who tries to limit her comments, but has a verrrrry diffcult time in doing that).

  5. Lisa -

    What an enriching (for us) post!

    Thank you for allowing a Peacock to share your world.


  6. Thank you, my lovelies, for all your kind words. Your support means a GREAT deal to me, and don't you ever forget it!! xxx

  7. Great read. You are a lady with panache.
    PS I also worked at Ogilvy for many years in Asia and New York.

  8. Thank you for every other informative site.
    Thanks for sharing such an interesting and informative post.
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I try my best to answer your comments; alas, it's not always possible. But please feel free to talk amongst yourselves. And thank you for contributing - blogging is a two-way street. xx

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