(Eduouard Vuillard, "The Blue Inkstand on the Mantelpiece," c. 1900)
You are like me.
You love books with a fierce abandon.
You love their cracked spines, their heft, their covers, their aromatic papery scents.
You know that with a book in your hands, you are only one page away from a fantastic journey.
You know that with a book in your hands, you are connected to a convergence of thought that brings the past passionately roaring into the now.
Books have shaped you, enlightened you, consoled you and given you a rich interior life, a virtual library of memories that has become embedded in the very fibers of your being.
Am I right?
I think I am.
So does this necklace move you in the same manner in which it moves me?

(Autumnal Library necklace via Etsy)
Can you imagine wearing this? Isn't it so 18th century-Steampunk-Romantic? Paired with bare skin and the simplest of outfits, I think it's inexpressibly poetic in a Keats/Shelley/Lord Byron kind of way.
I'm partial to the entire library myself, but for those of you who prefer a single volume, there's this one (and many others).

(Small Fetters journal necklace via Etsy)
I don't think I could pull off the first look but I'm most certainly in love with the single book!
I was just lamenting the fact that I was unable to read the book I brought today during my lunch hour!
Yipes. My heart is beating faster.
I've just returned from my out of state book club... reading one of your favourites... Our Mutual Friend.
Next up, Jane Eyre. I must have this necklace.
Wonderful necklace and gift for an English Major.
My necklace would be a portfolio of sorts....
I think they must have made this with you in mind. I have only been reading you for a few weeks but it does seem perfect for you. Both styles. Gone off to find this author Beverley Nichols, sounds perfect for me.
A book is never far from my hands. This would make things a whole lot simpler.
This would be sweet, maybe one or perhaps three small ones...
When I visited The Orchard House in Concord Massachusetts I bought a small metal book (key chain) with the title Little Woman. It hangs on my car key and reminds me all the time of this visit. It is antiqued silver and looks wonderful!
Did you see those small purses made from book covers on Etsy? Some are adorable...
I love it!
Very interesting and beautiful posts!
You definately need one, or several. I might too....
I could completely imagine the most beautiful oil painting of a nude woman wearing only these necklaces!
I wrote a post once about my book obsession and how I love the smell of books and bookstores and that if my home had a signature sent it would called "Library" and a dear reader left a comment giving the name of a company that makes a scent called "Ex Libris" that comes in the form of a candle.
You are right about books. You said it perfectly!
Quite Victorian'ish, I like them a lot. Plus does my heart good to purchase hand crafted gems through Etsy. Thanks for showing us & I loved this post. Must go pick up a book now!
Beautiful, beautiful Lisa- It's a fantastic post and a decidedly romantic necklace. I'm only sorry that I didn't design it first. If I had, I would make one -for you only.
Years ago I bought a tiny little suede covered book just this size in a shop in the Cotswolds. It contained the complete Midsummer Night's Dream. I must dig it out and put a chain on it. People would look askance, wouldn't they!
i was a psych major but i shoulda been an english major cuz i love books. fla.state offers a masters in library science, 100% online!
and for those writers out there you should read "writing down the bones" wonder if that comes in miniature?
Visually stimulating post, and I all I need is a warm cup of coffee and I'd be set, perfect.
I am laughing so hard. It's one of those mirror-moments, you know? I would soo wear it.
I'm in love. It reminds me of the tiny books that went in my dollhouse. I never thought of turning them into a necklace.
I had the good fortune of striking up a long distance kindred-soulness with Margaux, the maker, & her best gal Katie years back, and I love seeing everything they do, in their magical little world.
While I prefer volumes of books around my home, I do thing I am partial to the single volume necklace. An interesting, yet whimsical addition to a wardrobe.
I think three books on a chain would look smashing--love them, love this post.
Of course, I'm also a Bookaholic. Yesterday I purchased two more books: To Serve Them All My Days; and Citizens of London by Lynne Olson. Have no idea when I'm going to read these books or all the others waiting in queue! But they give me hope as they sit on my writing desk.
Those necklaces are fabulous...I am a one or two volume girl though.
A book or two are always with me wherever I go.
Have a great day! :)
Modern Traditionalist: I think you could pull off anything. xx
Pamela Terry and Edward: Ohhh, "Our Mutual Friend"! I just listened to it unabridged on CD while I was sewing one of my last pieces. (David Tomlinson was the narrator-- AMAZING.) I've read it twice as well...can't get enough of that book.
PVE: Ooh, I'm loving your idea of a portfolio necklace...!
A Gift Wrapped Life: Email me. I'd be happy to give you an earful of Beverley Nichols. He is SOOOO funny! Like Noel Coward trapped in a PG Wodehouse novel. Read "Merry Hall" and you'll be hooked! xx
katiedid: When are you coming back to LA? xx
Victoria Art: That keychain sounds incredible. I love it. Must check out the book cover purses...
Acanthus and Acorn: I want that painting. And I had that "Ex Libris" candle, too! So funny. Penhaligon's "Blenheim Bouquet" reminds me of cigars and old libraries, too. It was Winston Churchill's favorite scent. My husband hates it, so I wear it when he's at work and dream of being an Edwardian. :)
Dumbwit Tellher: They are very Victorian...very George Eliot/Bronte-ish/Gaskelly. I like them even more now.
Scott Fazzini: I am so honored! When are you going to take Royal Apothic up on his offer and come to LA so we can all meet you??
Jane: You MUST do that to that book, if possible. Plus, then you would enjoy it every day.
Lisaanne: "Writing Down the Bones" is indeed a good one. Read that years ago. xx
Jezebel: Of course you know them. You're the coolest.
RosieCampbell/Joanna/TIna Steele/Laura: I'm with you. It's odd, it's eccentric, it's perfect.
Kim: Those books sound wonderful. As does keeping them as close as possible to you.
Cathi: A woman after my own heart. xx
Interesting find - I actually think one single book makes more of a statement. Though I'll confess I'd want to collect them all...
this ones been on my favorite list for a year or two now:
I have to admit my initial reaction to the picture of the whole library at once was a mental image of Marley's ghost dragging ledger books chained together. I'm more a one book around my neck at a time type.
I do love your reflection on book love..sensory delights on so many levels. :)
Looks really uncomfortable and gaggy but that may be me and my goiter...I would consider one as being beautiful and wear it on a longer chain.
Just got the avenue candle from Lafco in New York. The sales person(shame on you, you may have had a fake French accent but your choice for me was way off) over the phone advised me on Via Condoletti..... awful, terrible like an old man's club in london. I spent $50.00 on a manly scent. Now I am off to buy what I originally wanted, a candle that was smelling clean and fresh and non gaggy- anyone have any ideas? Sorry I am just not in the money bracket to throw away another $50.00...thanks
I am so sad to not have more time to read. A good spring resolution is to take the time for something I love so dearly! I DO peruse my friends blogs in my spare time, even into the wee hours!!
I can see the necklace w a simple T and jeans! Love it.
Art by Karena
One small journal on a string! What a wonderful way to announce your bibliophilia to the world and always have paper handy to make a quick note!
My two favorite candles at the moment are:
1. Mulholland by Royal Apothic (it smells like LA in springtime -- i.e. now -- when the night jasmine are in full bloom. My husband who never notices candles says it's the best one he's ever smelled...it's flowery clean but not overpowering...
(It's coming out this spring; I have a preview candle)
2. "Marrakech" by Seda France. Again, everyone who comes into my house when it's lit says, "Mmm. What candle is that?" It's orange, cinnamon and fig, but it's NOT sickly or over-the-top. Three straight guys who hate candles can confirm it. :)
3. For a fresh clean slightly tangy-fruit scent, Votivo Red Currant is an oldie but a goodie.
4. Also, you could get the black Voluspa votive candle set:
or the Creme set:
I have both, and it's a great way to test out scents before you commit to a big 60 hour candle. The votives last a long time, too.
Good luck!
I love this! I wnat!
I have a beautiful little handmade book necklace that a friend gave me years ago. Thanks for reminding me to pull it out of its hiding place.
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